Monday 27 February 2012

Day 55 - Thank You for the Sun

I thank God for giving us the Sun. The Sun provides warm and heat that we need to be healthy and strong. The sun also gives light to us. The sun has also been our life support here on earth. The sun provides also all the needed nourishments of plant and animals. I believe that God created Sun as a symbol of His unwavering light and support to us. It is a symbol of light through our darkness and support through our weaknesses. For me, Sun symbolizes God in His great show of love to us.

Thank You Lord!

Day 54 - Thank you for the air we breathe

I thank God for the air we breathe. As we, humans really need air in our life. Air is our life support in this world. And clean air is like heaven to us. Air is one of our most needed things in this world to survive. Without air, nothing, not even plants and animals can survive without it. That’s why I thank God for giving us air to breathe and enjoy. And take note, God gave it for free. I don’t know what will happen to us if we need to buy air. Maybe earth is so dull and only few lucky people will be here. But because God loves us very much, all we need, He provides for FREE!

Thank you Lord!

Saturday 25 February 2012

Day 53 - Thank you for Ash Wednesday

I thank God for Ash Wednesday as Ash Wednesday is a day of repentance and its mark the beginning of lent. I thank God for allowing us to observe this important occasion in a Muslim country like United Arab Emirates.

On this day, I see a lot of Christians, Filipino and non-Filipinos go to church, attend mass and everyone was excited to have a cross of ashes on their forehead. I am very happy to observe each and everyone so excited to have this mark and I believe that each one of us are also excited to the responsibilities attached with this mark. I believe that we are all excited to fast from food and all negative emotions in this lent. I believe that all of us are excited to have closer relationship with God, to know Him more and love Him more this season. I hope that this yearning in our hearts will continue throughout the years. I always believe in the goodness of everyone’s heart and I know God will be happy to know that we are all excited to follow His will for us.

Thank you Lord!

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Day 52 - Thank you for Weariness

Thank You Lord for allowing me to feel tired!

I thank God for allowing me to feel weary. It’s my sign for me that I am still alive. There were times when I just feel like I’m just here but I won’t be able to feel tired in anything and everything that I do. I just exist without minding anybody. There were times when I can just do anything, thinking nothing about them and just go on with it without any feelings of tiredness. But now, I realize that it wasn’t just that I don’t feel tired but because I don’t feel weary because I am weary all along and sometimes not seem to care at all. Weariness is a sign for me that I can already feel alive nowadays that’s why I feel weary. For me, weariness means that I am alive and that I am still fighting despite all the problems in my life. Weariness for me is a sign of hope, a sign of a future that was beyond my imagination. It is a sign for me that life is worth living. It is a sign for me that I don’t have to feel weary all along because God is with me and fighting my battles especially when I feel tired and hopeless. And fighting weariness in life makes me stronger and hopeful in life.

Thank you Lord!

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Day 51 – Thank you for Alarm Clock

I thank God for allowing us to have alarm clock. As sleeping is really one of my hobby, waking up on time is a problem for me. I’m glad that man invents alarm clock. My alarm clock is just the one on the phone. And it is easier cause I only have to set it once and set the days it will go and it automatically buzz me on that days and time. Alarm clock never fails to buzz me except when my phone has no battery. I also use alarm clock to remind me of any important meetings I have. I just have to set the time and try hard to remember why I set my alarm on that time. It’s fun! Because I always tend to forget something and this kind of thinking what I forget makes me happy. It’s some kind of exercise for my brain.

Thank you Lord!

Sunday 19 February 2012

Day 50 – Thank you for Extra Biscuits

I thank God for the extra biscuits!

As I was very excited on buying biscuits for the event, I realize that I bought too many biscuits for the participants. I bought two big plastic of biscuits! How about that? I didn’t realize that it was too many until I reach home. So what did I do? I get each kind of biscuits and left them at home. Even when I do this, there’s still more biscuits left but it’s ok, they can use them on the next event. And do you know what I do to the biscuits that were left for me? Of course, I didn’t eat them all! What do you think of me? Though I like food, I know to myself that the biscuits left are too much for me. So what I did is give each housemate one or two kinds of biscuits for their snacks.  I am so happy that I am able to share to them and to the community even through this simple act. I am happy that when I buy too many biscuits, maybe unconsciously, I was thinking about them. As for me, my reason for buying those many biscuits is that, I, myself don’t want to get hungry. For me, it’s better that there’s too much bread than too little bread. After all, that was an all day event so I don’t want my brothers and sisters in the community to get hungry. And indeed, God provides food for us and we have still some extra and able to share to our other brothers and sisters outside the community.

Thank you Lord!

Day 49 – Thank you for the feeling of being alone

I thank God for my feeling of being alone.

As our most awaited event comes to pass, I don’t know why I felt so alone. I already accept the fact that my household nanay and sisters were not there to support me though I am glad that one of my ate shows up on the second event. I already accept also that maybe, I can be part of my other group mates circle of family because like me, their nanay was not there but at least they have each other. I already accept also that I need to do what was expected of me to do on this event and then I can move on. But what really hurts me, I still come home alone after this event and I don’t know who I can say goodbye to. All of them come home together but me, I just walk alone and I really felt pity to myself. I know I shouldn’t feel like that after the event but it really hurts that I was almost crying while walking and convincing myself that it was all okay, that I know, somehow, I gained friends doing this service. I just say to myself that I do this service for God and not for other people, which I don’t need to expect any appreciation from others because God’s appreciation for me is enough. But it really hurts… I have my cousin who attends the event but she also goes home with one of her sister in the community. I don’t hold it to her because I know she do that because she doesn’t have a choice because I want to stay late to see that everything’s okay. But what really hurts was even my teammates were not there and I can’t even say goodbye to them, that I was just looking to them, gathering my courage to say goodbye but they never noticed me at all so I just walk away and move on. I don’t need any appreciation but a simple goodbye for me would be sufficed enough because I thought that we were friends but maybe I expect too much. And this feeling of being alone makes me evaluate myself and think what’s wrong with me. Why doesn’t anyone like me besides my household? Maybe I’m just expecting too much recognition and God teaches me to be humble. And I thank God for that feeling. I thank God for all the lessons He teaches me when he called me to serve.

Really, God has wonderful plans for me and He will use anything to mold me to be a better person. Thank You Lord!