Monday 6 February 2012

Day 36 - Thank you for the Gift of Service

Thank you Lord for the Gift of Service!

I thank God for calling me to serve in the Singles for Christ community by allowing me to be chosen as part of the Service team for the Covenant Orientation. I was part of the food committee and I am glad because as you know, I really love food and eating. And I also don’t want the participants(my brothers and sisters in Christ) to be hungry so I am doing my best to find a good food in low amount as the community is the one who is giving the budget.

I am very happy and honored to be chosen to be part of the service team. I know to myself that I am not that active in attending all the events that was organized by the community but I really want others to experience what I have upon being a member of the community. Maybe, the changes are not that visible to others but I am the one who can feel all the changes. I feel the changes in my heart, in my character, in how my mind works. Changes that I can’t do by myself but with the help of God as these are the changes that I want but I wasn’t able to do when I was not in the community. I can feel the little changes in me. Sometimes, I get disappointed with myself but I learn to deal with it. I also learn how to be patient enough to others and the value of being good and kind to others even if they are not. I learn the value of life, the goodness in it, the grace and love of God and how beautiful life is and the fact that I was not alone, ever. There are still many things that I learn through the community with the support of my household that I also want others to discover by themselves. That’s why I’m really honored to have this chance to serve my brothers and sisters in SFC community. And I pray that what we prepare somehow help brings other closer to God.

Thank You Lord for the chance to serve! I am so excited of the task ahead and how you will reveal yourself to me and to my brothers and sisters in the community. I know that you want me to learn something in this responsibility and I am so eager to know it. I will keep my eyes open for all your wonderful works that you will reveal in my eyes!

Thank You Lord!

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