Sunday 19 February 2012

Day 48 – Thank you for another successful event

I thank God for another successful event as this Friday is the day where all are preparations take effect as this Friday was our main event day. I thank God for allowing us all to have a good nights’ rest and allowing all of us, service team and participants to come early on the event and be happy to be with each other’s company. There are only some minor problems but God takes them all away almost immediately and even though there are pressure, its ok for me because I really love to be of service to my sisters and brothers.

All of the service team arrived at the venue early. We prepare and arrange the room according to our preference and we all excitedly wait for our participants. I am very happy because on this day, one thing I witness is the big heart of my sisters and brothers. That they are all willing to share their 3Ts in the community: their time, talent and treasure. I can see the happiness they have on sharing their blessings with each other. What I most really loved on this gathering is the feeling of being with my family. The feeling that the community accepts me as part of them. The feeling that God is with us throughout the event and He is blessing each and every one of us, I am thankful for that. This kind of event makes me feel important and good. In this kind of event, I can easily convince myself that I am good.

Thank you Lord!

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