Tuesday 7 February 2012

Day 38 - Thank you for the Washing Machine

Thank you Lord for the Washing Machine!

I thank God for allowing us to invent washing machine. In our busy world today, washing machine brings comfort to every one of us. I remember when I was still a child; we used to wash our clothes by hand. I still hand wash some of my clothes, especially the delicate ones but it was not like before where I hand wash even bed sheets and towels. I enjoy those moments with my parents but today, when I became part of the workforce, washing my clothes using hands become tiresome. I’m not really sure how I get tired working when I am just sitting and staring at the computer but I really feel tired when I reached home so using washing machine especially an automatic one feels great.

I only wash my clothes once a week and I make a point of putting them only on two sets. I was really careful separating light colored dress and dark color ones.  The only problem in this is the clothes became faded easily and sometimes the color change. But all in all it was a good thing because I only put my clothes in the machine, put detergent and fabric softener and after an hour, I can already hang them to dry. I just get them the next day for folding and ironing. Awesome!

Thank you God!

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