Sunday 19 February 2012

Day 50 – Thank you for Extra Biscuits

I thank God for the extra biscuits!

As I was very excited on buying biscuits for the event, I realize that I bought too many biscuits for the participants. I bought two big plastic of biscuits! How about that? I didn’t realize that it was too many until I reach home. So what did I do? I get each kind of biscuits and left them at home. Even when I do this, there’s still more biscuits left but it’s ok, they can use them on the next event. And do you know what I do to the biscuits that were left for me? Of course, I didn’t eat them all! What do you think of me? Though I like food, I know to myself that the biscuits left are too much for me. So what I did is give each housemate one or two kinds of biscuits for their snacks.  I am so happy that I am able to share to them and to the community even through this simple act. I am happy that when I buy too many biscuits, maybe unconsciously, I was thinking about them. As for me, my reason for buying those many biscuits is that, I, myself don’t want to get hungry. For me, it’s better that there’s too much bread than too little bread. After all, that was an all day event so I don’t want my brothers and sisters in the community to get hungry. And indeed, God provides food for us and we have still some extra and able to share to our other brothers and sisters outside the community.

Thank you Lord!

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