Tuesday 14 February 2012

Day 45 - Thank you for Valentine’s Day

Thank you Lord for Valentine’s Day

I thank God for the Hearts Day. This day is just another day for me. For me, it’s another day to love, to help, to serve. I know it was special to those who already have their God’s gift in life but for a single person like me, Valentine’s Day is just another normal day. Do you know what makes it special for me? It was the joyous face of my housemates and friends. I’m really happy for them that they are happy with the one they chose and with the one that God gave to them. I am happy seeing those flowers and chocolates that they give with each other. I am happy that they make extra effort to make each other happy. That makes me happy for them.

For me, I just go to work, greet my friends and enjoy my quite time again on the house. I enjoy watching “The Matrix Revolution” on television and I enjoy the flower and balloons given by my housemates. On this day, I don’t feel alone as I have my friends with me and I know that all of us are enjoying each other company.

I thank God for this occasion because it makes my friends and families happy and for them for making the extra effort to make their partner happy.

Thank You Lord!

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