Monday 13 February 2012

Day 43 - Thank You Lord! My Laptop is Back!

Thank You Lord! My Laptop is Back!

I thank God for my laptop. It’s already back from the service center. After over two weeks of going on without laptop, I really miss it. By the way, its name is “Tosh”. I am really thankful for those who change my screen as they say that the problem with my laptop before is dead pixel. Actually, I endure that one straight line for a month because I believe that it will be gone after a month as what happen to one post that I read about this problem but it seems that they have different problem than mine. So after a month of waiting for it to disappear, and sadly it didn’t happen, and after searching for the receipt for about a week because I am such a forgetful person but I found it eventually, thanks God, I have no choice but to return my notebook to where I bought it and let them fix the problem. And I’m really missing my laptop since then but one thing I was certain, I still enjoy myself even without the laptop and I thank God for providing me those entertainment and those silent moments with myself, my friends and housemates. I’m really glad for those moments.

Thank You Lord for bringing my laptop back as good as new without having to reinstall all my applications. They just really change the screen but did not reformat my laptop as I was afraid of. Even my friends told me to back up all my files because they sometimes delete all my installed programs and just make it good as new but I’m glad that that was not the case for me.

Thank you Lord!

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