Saturday 25 February 2012

Day 53 - Thank you for Ash Wednesday

I thank God for Ash Wednesday as Ash Wednesday is a day of repentance and its mark the beginning of lent. I thank God for allowing us to observe this important occasion in a Muslim country like United Arab Emirates.

On this day, I see a lot of Christians, Filipino and non-Filipinos go to church, attend mass and everyone was excited to have a cross of ashes on their forehead. I am very happy to observe each and everyone so excited to have this mark and I believe that each one of us are also excited to the responsibilities attached with this mark. I believe that we are all excited to fast from food and all negative emotions in this lent. I believe that all of us are excited to have closer relationship with God, to know Him more and love Him more this season. I hope that this yearning in our hearts will continue throughout the years. I always believe in the goodness of everyone’s heart and I know God will be happy to know that we are all excited to follow His will for us.

Thank you Lord!

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