Saturday 11 February 2012

Day 40 - Thank you for the Successful Event

Thank you Lord for the Covenant Orientation Event!

I thank God for the successful Covenant Orientation last week. I am part of the service team and I really feel the pressure it takes especially to the Team Leaders of the event. I really feel their stress and their hope for the event to be successful as I am feeling them myself. I am not sure if what I feel is what they feel but I am sure what I am feeling.

As I am a great worrier, I thought that there were few people who will attend because the event takes place when all the participants have work. So when I came at the venue on the proper time though I am a little late for the specified time that the team will come, I feel sad that there was just small number of people. But as time goes on, more and more participants came and I really feel glad. And I felt a little ashamed as I know that in those times that I worried, I lost my faith to God. And I feel really sorry for myself because I know that God will never fail us and yet, I worried unnecessarily. But I’m glad that God made that event successful. And I believe that everybody were happy on the outcome of the event. I really honored those who attend and make extra effort to be there because I know that for them, it is better to stay home and rest after a weeks’ work but still they chose to come and be part of the Covenant Orientation and help them understand the importance and the value and responsibilities we have for being a part of the Singles for Christ community.

Thank You Lord!

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