Wednesday 1 February 2012

Day 32 - Thank you for the Heart Month

Thank you Lord for the Heart Month!

I thank God for the Hearth Month, February! February is where most people say that “Love is in the Air” as it was the days were Valentine’s Day was celebrated. For me, February is just like another month. There’s always something out there for me to learn and appreciate in life but just for the mood of it, I’m excited for my friends who have boyfriend and girlfriend. I know that this month is the time were time and affection for each other is overflowing. It is the time were both of them always make extra effort to show each other their appreciation for each other’s presence. Well, as I don’t have a boyfriend, I just contend myself on watching my friends and be happy with their happiness.

I have one special wish for this month. Because it is a heart month, I wish for my friends, who don’t have partners in life yet; to find their one true love this month, God’s gift, as we call it in Singles for Christ. I really wish for my housemates and for my mommy and sisses in Singles for Christ to find the right one for them specially those who are of age now, those who are ready to build their own family, for them to find that right one for them; though that one is not perfect but I always believe that in each other’s eyes, they were perfect. I really wish for them to have what they always wishing for. As for me, I can still wait. I was just happy knowing that they will be happy and I think I am more excited than most of them to find that right one for them. I’m always excited for them to have that family that they long for. Sometimes, I ask myself if I’m also ready for that kind of commitment, but, it just scares me. Maybe I was just too hurt before to hope for myself but I was happy to make it for my friends. Sometimes, I got cynical in this kind of thing, thinking that happy ending is not for me, just for other people, but I always believe that God has great plans for me. I believe also that at the right time, my right one will come along and take away all the doubts that I have. After all, I always believe in fairy tales and happy endings! And I believe in this wonderful season of love, I will be happy. Maybe not for myself, but I will be happy that others found their happiness!

Thank you God!

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