Sunday 12 February 2012

Day 42 - Thank you for Movie Time

Thank you Lord for Movie Time

I thank God for the Movie Time on the House. As Saturday is a rest day and my housemates and I don’t want to go out, we decided to have movie time on the house. It’s not too long; it’s just one movie because all of us have to do something for the coming work week so we just decided to watch one movie together. We decided to watch a very new one, “Transformers 2: Rise of the Fallen”. A really new one for all of us as we don’t have much time watching movies so we only watch it now when Transformers 3 is already out. We want to watch Transformers 3 also but we don’t have a copy of this movie so we just decided to eat and sleep early as work was already on its way.

I thank God for these simple moments that I can interact and be with my housemates. God knows how busy we are that we just say hello to each other every morning but we forget the fun we got from just being able to talk with each other.

Thank You Lord!

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