Tuesday 31 January 2012

Day 31 - Thank You for the first month

Thank you Lord God for allowing me to be here for a full month!

I thank God for this month of January. I always believed that it is by God’s grace that I am still here. I always believed that He has great plans for me, a plan that is continuously at work even when I am sleeping. A plan for me to succeed, to be happy, to help.. A wonderful plan for me to make a difference in this world in my own simple ways.. And this whole month of January testifies to that. With all the lessons that I learn, I know God has a great plan for me. Actually, the fact that I am here is a testament of how God loves me and how He plans everything for me.

This one month of January, I experience love, happiness, friendship, hardship as well. I also learn how to stop myself from buying things I don’t need. I learn to let go of my laptop and go on without it but still enjoy life. Really, internet is not everything! I learn the value of friendship, family and communication in life. I learn to appreciate simple things like weather. I have the chance to do my favorite hobby, reading! I learn many things and I know that there are still lot of things for me out there, waiting for me to discover them. And I thank God for making my life interesting.

Thank you Lord!

Monday 30 January 2012

Day 30 - Thank you for the gift of Sleep

Thank you God for the gift of Sleep!

I thank God for allowing me to have a sleeping time. A good nights’ rest allows me to have a good morning and a beautiful day. It also allows my body to get its needed rest and catch up with my health. It helps me do my work easily and happily and no matter what others may do, that was supposed to irritate me on my bad days, becomes bearable at all.

I remember a time when sleep doesn’t come to me. It makes me irritated and easily gets tired even when I was only sitting. I can’t also focus to my work and my mind is just wondering on my bed and how good it is to stay and sleep all day. On these days, I just want the day to be done and over so I can go home and sleep. But while I was like this at work, when I get home, sleeping becomes a problem because it seems like sleep jumps out of my window that I’m not able to sleep and all and I end up sleeping late again and again.

Actually, I have particular surroundings where I want to sleep. I don’t know how others manage to sleep on bright and noisy surroundings because as for me, I want to sleep on a dark and silent one. It makes me relax and able to travel on dreamland. I am very sensitive on any lights that when it was turned on I automatically wake up and become irritated just like on making even a small noise. I wish I have my own room where everything is manageable but since I have 5 housemates, I can’t force them to be like me so until now, after over five years of having roommates, my sleeping habit doesn’t change at all; but I’m beginning to adapt. I put 3 layers of curtain to my bed to block the lights and put blindfold so the light won’t bother me. For the noise, that’s the one I can’t stop. I just ask them not to be too noisy when someone is sleeping. But my sleeping problem is not yet over. I still need a minimum hour of lying in my bed before I actually got to sleep. I admire those people who can instantly sleep even when they were sitting or even standing. But despite all these, sleeping is still my favorite hobby! And I thank God that no matter how hard it is for me to get sleep and find that rest, I’m still happy that I have a bed and I can sleep whenever I want or just to feel my bed.

Thank you Lord!

Day 29 -Thank You for teaching me to save money

Thank You Lord for teaching me to save money.

Thank you Lord God for allowing me to learn how make ends meet with what I have and sometimes, save, if there is an opportunity.

Right now, I’m on the struggling period of saving. No matter how much I earn, it seems like I just barely go with it without buying anything special. I always try to allot money for something and end up not buying it but no money at all. But no matter what, I’m glad that I didn’t need to borrow money just to get by. I’m very proud to say that I can make both ends meet without borrowing some money to others. I’m always proud of my budgeting skills though most of the times; I really stop myself on buying unnecessary things. As I believed, I am not an impulsive buyer. So when I want something, I will spend months thinking about it and saving money just to buy it. I’m not a fun of credit cards also so I think my life is quite simple.

But what my goal right now is really to save enough for my future and for my family. I really want to have savings, stocks, properties, and business to help not only my family but also other people. I’m still on the planning process on how I would attain this but I believe God already laid the foundation to me when He allowed me to learn how to save, so other necessary things I need to learn will be easy because I know God already laid their foundation in me. I just need to rediscover and used to.

Thank you Lord God!

Sunday 29 January 2012

Day 28 -Thank You for taking my Laptop away

Thank You Lord for taking my Laptop away!

As my laptop is not with me, I am posting this blog late. I try to use one of my housemate’s laptop to post it but to no success so I’m posting it using our office computer, so it will just be short.

Thank you Lord for taking my laptop away as I have time to do other things. I realized that I enjoy watching television on our 32” TV. I realized that I really missed some unusual TV programs like watching cartoons e.g. “Dora the Explorer” because when my laptop is with me, I just watch teleserye then play. But right now, because I don’t have the laptop, I enjoy watching TV with my housemates and do some naughty things to them, just for fun. And reading becomes my past time once again.

Really, God takes something away to make me enjoy other things. Thank You Lord!

Friday 27 January 2012

Day 27 - Thank You for my Housemate's Laptop

Thank you Lord for my Housemate's Laptop!

This is a quick one as I just borrowed my housemate's laptop. According to the service center, I will get my laptop after 2 or 3 weeks. So it will be a long time before I will be able to post my blog regularly but it's okay. I will post my blog using my housemate's laptop whenever it's free. I'm so blessed to have a housemate that was willing to share her laptop to me and allows me to check my email, my facebook and to have time to write this short blog. Actually, whenever I'm lost and out of resources there are always people sent by God that helps me like this housemate of mine. And I really thank God for surrounding me with good people. By this good people, I almost felt good to myself though I know that I'm still on the healing process. I thank God for sending me people who helps me to  my healing process through their simple actions.

Thank you Lord!

Thursday 26 January 2012

Day 26 - Thank You for Citiseconline

Thank You Lord for Citiseconline!

I thank God for allowing a simple person like me a chance to have an investment through citiseconline. Although I still have the form for citiseconline application, I am already hopeful that there was a chance for me to hope for the future. Know what, all me earnings are going on the drain. I don’t have any savings at all though I’m not that worried because for me, as long as I am able to support my parents, we are still okay. But now, I’m thinking about the future because no matter how much I earned, I still have no savings! Why? When I can’t buy anything for myself except for my laptop, which right now is on the repair center. Other than that, no more. But I have this dream to have a cruise with my family or to go to Boracay with them and relax with the beach. I want them to experience how good life is. That their hardships regarding money are all over. But how can I do that when I am still struggling on that area of my life also.

So now, I’m willing to take the chance with investments through buying stocks with the help of citiseconline. I knew about this great opportunity through reading of Mr. Bo Sanchez’s blog. I know that it was a great opportunity for me to change my life. I don’t want to be a burden to my children when I got old so I want to invest now and hopefully, enjoy it with my parents in the future. I’m also planning to be a member of The Truly Rich Club by Bo Sanchez because I am still new in the investment world and I heard an awesome feedback about the Truly Rich Club that Mr. Bo Sanchez will really give me a great insight about investing. So I pray that I will be able to accomplish these things for this year.

Thank you Lord for giving me a choice to change my financial condition through citiseconline and through Mr. Bo Sanchez!

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Day 25 - Thank You for the Laptop

Thank You Lord for my Laptop!

I thank God for allowing me to have a laptop. God knows what I went through in order to buy a laptop. I really want to have one as I am a sucker for any online research. I really want to have an option to get online whenever I want because I know how hard it is if one doesn’t have a way to go online and the only possible means is to borrow one on other person but that person is also busy checking something online. It’s really hard for me. And also I have a great plan in buying this laptop. I want to start earning online by becoming a Virtual Assistant. At the moment, I am still struggling to finish my tutorials. You can check my tutorials at: http://myvatrainingexperience.blogspot.com/. I was still on the process of adding my 10 tutorials and at the moment I only able to publish my first tutorial. I hope to do my other tutorials in the near future. It become a struggle to me as there are so many things to do online like watching movie and teleserye that they take too much of my time. I really want to finish this tutorial and be confident to apply for a gig. I pray to God that He will give me the courage and the discipline to finish this task and accomplish my goal of earning online. After all, this was my first reason for buying a laptop.

But, as of the moment, this laptop was not on its peak. A vertical line appears on the screen. It’s just a thin line from top to bottom but the point is, my laptop is new! It wasn’t supposed to have this line! So what I am about to do is return this laptop from where I bought it and let them fix this issue. After all, it’s still on their one year warranty period. So I will return this laptop tomorrow and I don’t have a laptop for the next few days. I don’t know when I should get this laptop back, maybe one week or more, so posting my blog is rather difficult but I will try to borrow my housemate’s laptop so I can still post on this blog and continue my 365 Days – 365 Things to be Thankful for to God.

Thank You Lord!

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Day 24 - Thank You for my Eyeglasses

Thank You Lord for my Eyeglasses!

I thank God for my eye glasses. As I am a nearsighted person, starting from elementary days, eyeglass is my constant companion. I can’t imagine my life without spectacles. I don’t think I can be able to graduate and have work if spectacles were not yet discovered. I imagine my world to be dark, blurred and unclear. As I can only see when something was literally in front of me, I can’t imagine how my life will go on.

As an eyeglass corrects my vision, my world is not so dark. Sometimes, I don’t feel comfortable wearing specs but it’s better than being almost practically blind. And I thank God for allowing mankind to develop this great tool. It really helps people like me. I know there are other ways to make me see clearly like wearing contact lens but it sometimes cause me discomfort and cause some eye irritation that’s why I minimize using this. I know I can go to an eye specialist and have the eye laser surgery to correct my vision but I still don’t have the means to do that operation so really specs are my constant companion.

Thank You Lord!

Monday 23 January 2012

Day 23 - Thank You for the Kutless

Thank You Lord for the Kutless!

I thank God for the Christian Rock Bond Kutless. Kutless is a Christian nrock band fromPortland, Oregon formed in 1999. I always love to hear Christian songs. As I am part of the Singles for Christ organization, listening to Christian music is my hobby. I like the song s sung by Hillsong, Don Moen, Bukas Palad group and other songs as long as they are worship songs. I love to hear them and know the lyrics, the hymn, and the melody. It’s like talking to God. Sometimes when I listen to this kind of music, my unusual ideas pop up. Most often than not, Christian music makes me appreciate life more and remember the great sacrifice that Jesus gave for us and I really love Him for that. I love Jesus because who am I to not love Him when He loves me first without condition and without limitation.

As of now, my most loved Christian music was sung by Kutless. I only knew about this band recently. I only listen to Christian worship music. I always thought that I wouldn’t like a rock band even if they sung Christian songs but all of this changed when I hear the Kutless music.

So hear is one of my favorite song from Kutless, “What Faith can Do”. Enjoy!

Thank you God for allowing me to have another way of worshiping you. I know that when I sing this song, you didn’t hear how my voice sounds but you only hear what my hearts says,

Thank You Lord!

Sunday 22 January 2012

Day 22 – Thank you for another Kung Hei Fat Choi

Thank You Lord for Kung Hei Fat Choi!

I thank God for another year, another Chinese New Year. According to Chinese Astrology, this is a year of Water Dragon. Year of Water Dragon brings many possibilities for good fortune. For the Chinese, dragons are the divine mythical creatures that bring with them intense power, ultimate abundance, and good fortune.

Although I don’t believe in astrology, but my housemates did. So we cook some pancit canton, shrimp, pork and biko since we don’t have any tikoy here. We also bought some fruits for this occasion. We ate together happily and we hope that this year will bring more blessings and we hope that we all stay together this year.

And I thank God for allowing us this celebration. Thank You Lord!

Saturday 21 January 2012

Day 21 – Thank you for the internet entertainment

Thank You Lord for the internet connection!

I thank God for the internet entertainment. As I am alone again today and nobody’s home, I decided to watch a series online. As I am very interested on vampires, I decided to watch Buffy, the vampire slayer. It is about Buffy, a 16-year old girl who was chosen to hunt vampires, demons, and the forces of darkness. Buffy fights the challenges of High School and saves the world...a lot.  It’s some kind of superhero thing and I really like the action. Take note, I’m still in season 1 and as I take it, they have until season 8. I don’t know if I am able to spend that much time watching this series but as I am still enjoying it, then I will continue watching it. After all, I really am fun of some supernatural stuff though I know that they are not true. I guess I’m just entertaining myself for a while and think of something useful for me out here. Guess I will think about them some other time. For the moment, I just want to be free from any worries and just enjoy myself and I thank God for allowing me this luxury. Sometimes, I feel that it was a sin to enjoy so much but I know God will understand. And I know God wants me to enjoy!

Thank you Lord God!

Friday 20 January 2012

Day 20 - Thank you for Quiet Time with Myself

Thank you Lord for Quiet Time with Myself!

I thank God for this rest day as I used it to pamper myself. What I do today?? Hmm... I woke up late and have breakfast. Then I do some house cleaning. And do my movie thing. I watch The Smurfs movie today. It’s nice. I like what Papa said that with family, you can do anything if they needed you. I really relate to that. It makes me miss my family. So I decide to call home and ask their condition. I’m happy that they are fine and happy back home.

Then, as all my housemates gone out, I just stay here at home and do my thing. I do some back-up for my files here in my laptop as I soon have to bring my laptop to the repair shop as a vertical line appears on the screen so I need to make them fix it. I don’t know how long it takes before I get my laptop again but its ok. I know my laptop needs some fixing.

I really like being alone as I can do what I want to do. I miss being alone and have a quiet environment as I was used back home on being alone. I thank God that even once in a blue moon, I get to do what I want and have some peace and silence for myself.

Thank You God!

Thursday 19 January 2012

Day 19 - Thank You for the Bonding Moments

Thank You Lord God for the Bonding Moments!

Yes, I’m late posting this blog of mine as I have bonding moments with my friends. As tomorrow is a rest day, we make this night a bonding time for us.

 I only have bonding moment tonight with one of my friends. She wants to buy some gift and I also want to check something. So we go to Deira City Center to check some items. We just walk around and roam around as it was Dubai Shopping Festival this month up to February 5 so we check the stalls that have a sale sign and check their prices. If it’s on our budget and we like it, then we bought it. If we like it but not on budget then we don’t buy it. It’s nice to take off some stress after one week of working. I’m sure we will have more bonding moments will our friends in the future.

One of my goals is to have this kind of bonding moments with my family. They are one of the reasons why I want to be here so I want to have a connection with them even in short moments. I hope to make it happen when I came home this year and I know God will make a way for me and my family to have those precious moments.

Thank You Lord!

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Day 18 - Thank You for allowing me to learn How to Cook

Thank You Lord God for allowing me to learn How to Cook.

I thank God for this skill because as I grow old, I didn’t know how to cook anything. Don’t get me wrong. I know how to cook rice and anything fried but those dishes that seems so complicated, like adobo, is I don’t know. Imagine, I don’t know how to cook my favorite adobo! And so, all the food that I ate after 24 years was either fried, which I prepared sometimes; or food prepared by my father and mother, sometimes my brother; or food that I just bought in the carinderia or in any fast food that I fancy. That’s how my life in the Philippines goes on. I am like that on my elementary days as I say to myself that I am still too young to cook so I just want to play and eat when there’s food prepared by my parents. I am like that when I am in high school as I don’t bring lunch pack at school. My parents gave me money to buy food in the school cafeteria. I am also like that when I am in college as I was staying in the dormitory as cooking is not allowed so I only buy my food in the carinderia beside our dorm. And I am like that as I was working because I stayed in a boarding house that had too many people that going to the kitchen to cook irritates me as I feel tired from work and I feel that I am already old to learn how to cook so I just ate before going home and I went home only to sleep. That’s the story how I don’t learn to cook by myself.

But everything changed when I decided to go here in Dubai. I don’t expect that my life will take a drastic turn when I decided to come here. I don’t know how to cook when I got here but later on, I realize that I can’t eat if I will not cook. As my housemates here have their schedule in cooking for the whole house so I need to learn by myself. But learning is not easy. On the earlier part, I always pray that there was someone here when I cook so they can guide me while cooking. I also don’t know how to mix all the condiments, whether I put enough salt, soy sauce, vinegar, pepper or anything at all. I don’t know if the taste is already what it was supposed to be and what I should add to make them taste like that. But after a year or two, I thank God that I learn. I’m still not a good cook but at least, I can already eat the food that I prepared. And you know what I learn about cooking? Well, everything starts with the oil, and then sauté garlic and onion then add the meat and add anything that you think was supposed to be the ingredients then put some salt or fish sauce then pepper then mix. And you will have your menu. Just like that. I learn that no matter what process I cook, it will come as it was supposed to. Maybe that’s why I’m still not a good cook but so what, as long as I can ate what I cook and others can eat also what I prepared, I’m happy that way. And I thank God for allowing me to learn this skill. I know God doesn’t want me to get hungry and others too, so He allowed me to come here and learn.

Thank You Lord!

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Day 17 - Thank you for the Food

Thank You Lord God for the Food we eat!

I thank you Lord God for providing us food in our table. I always love to eat and I ate anything edible except bitter melon (ampalaya) and lady’s fingers (okra). I don’t know why I didn’t learn to eat these foods though I know that they are good for my health. But any other food, I love to see on my plate. I love anything to do with the food. Sometimes I don’t want to cook but since I’m not with my family, I learn to cook for myself and also for my housemates. But I don’t have any specialty and I’m not very particular with the taste of the food. As long as they are edible, can be chewed and do not have poison, you can count me to eat them.

My favorite food is... I really want to eat rice. So whatever the main dish is, it’s for me. My favorite dish is fried chicken, chicken adobo, pork caldereta, pork steak, pakbet, chopsuey, fried fish and any vegetable, meat and fish that was prepared for the day. But as it is me who do the grocery shopping, I can control what food we have. Yippee! But also, the sad part is, I’m always the one who have to cook them as my housemates came late after work and I can’t wait for them to cook as I am already hungry after work.

Eating is one of my hobbies. I eat until I’m full. And nowadays, I feel like taking all the food that I can than to throw them. I always say to myself that it’s not good to waste food because there are so many people around the world that do not have something to eat. So I try to eat any food as long as they are not spoiled.

 I think we all have to be careful with the amount of food we prepare as we should eat them and not waste them. Because there’s a lot of people out there who does not have food to eat even if they are hungry and even if their lives depended on it.

I thank God for providing food on our table and I pray that we will always remind me to always be grateful whatever food is on the table and eat them with gusto. I pray to God that he will always remind me to share my food for those who does not have them and always remember them whenever I eat.

Thank You Lord!

Monday 16 January 2012

Day 16 – Thank you for the Cold Weather

 Thank You Lord God for the Cold Weather!

 I thank you Lord for the cold weather that we have right now. I thank you Lord because, somehow cold weather makes me feel alive. Sometimes it makes me feel lonely and bring a homesick feeling to me but all in all; I really want to thank you because this cold weather makes me see through my feelings. Sometimes, I’m worried that I don’t know how and what to feel anymore except anger and disappointment. But now, at least this weather brings me sadness and this feeling makes me feel alive. I have this problem with the way I feel. It seems that I don’t feel lonely, homesick and any other feeling that I was supposed to feel specially now that I’m alone here in other country but no, I don’t feel anything like that. But it doesn’t make me feel alive also. I only feel that I’m slowly fading away. That I only exist without purpose. That’s what makes me sad. Sometimes, I forgot how wonderful God’s plan in store for me. Sometimes, I always tend to wallow on my feeling of loneliness and forget that God gave me wonderful people around me so I can share myself to them and enjoy my life with them. Cold weather makes me realize that somehow, I should not feel lonely but be able to live my life to the fullest no matter what weather condition I am right now because somehow, this weather will pass and what matter is that I live the way I want to.

Thank You Lord for helping me to realize these things. So happy to experience this cold weather through and through!

Sunday 15 January 2012

Day 15 – Thank you for the salary increase

 Thank you Lord God for giving me a salary increase!

I really thank God for my salary increase. As I’m planning to go back home this December, my finances are in tight situation. I already planned how much I will save each month so I can survive going home on December as it is Christmas. I thank God for He already gave solution to my dilemma. I think, I pray forever for this increase. And even if it’s not the amount that I expected, I thank God because I know He already gave me what I need, not what I want. I know God knows me more than I know myself and I really thank Him because I know that He only allowed me to have this amount because He is training me more in budgeting and in investing, the he is training me in financial management. I know I need to be more intelligent in handling more money than small money because I know too much money sometimes corrupt one self and I thank God for giving me a chance to adjust on my own pace. I know God has a greater plan for me in the future.

And so, now that He already grant me this wish, I know there’s more of my wish out there that are on the process of coming to me.  Thank you God for granting all my wishes especially solving my financial problem. Thank you Lord God.  I know that you want me to go home this Christmas to be with my family and friends.

Thank You Lord God!

Saturday 14 January 2012

Day 14 – Thank you for the Gift of Hearing

Thank you Lord God for the gift of Hearing!

I thank God for giving us the sense of hearing. Through hearing, we can understand what other people are saying. Story-telling is easier. Laughter becomes alive. Music gives melody. Hearing birds chirping is a gift from God. Through hearing, appreciating life and sounds and melodies around us sound heavenly. Through hearing, learning us also becomes easier. We can just listen to our teachers and friends, listen to their stories and we can learn the lessons they want to impart.

For me, one of the gifts of hearing is by listening to the music because music adds color to my life. When I seem bored to my work, I just play music and my sleepiness will be gone. Listening also to audio books is one of my past times. So whenever I don’t have time to read a book, I will just listen to their audio book version and it feels as fun as reading with the feelings delivered by the voice in the audio book. Explaining something also becomes easier with the sense of hearing present in both parties. They can talk about the subject and make their question and answer portion. We can also detect other people’s feelings through the sense of hearing. As we can differentiate each voice tone, we can mellow down and say sorry if we hurt somebody.

Truly, there are many gifts God has given to us that come from His gift of hearing. Appreciating, learning, understanding, communicating and many more becomes easier. And God really loves us for giving this wonderful gift of sense to us. I pray that we use this gift for us to better understand one another.

Thank you Lord God!

Friday 13 January 2012

Day 13 - Thank you for the Cellphones

Thank you Lord God for the cell phones!

I really thank God for allowing us to create an easier way of communication specially the cell phones! Cell phone is really important to me, for us who are away from home and choose to earn a living in other country. Using cell phone is one way for us to hear the voice of our loved ones. It’s one way of allowing us to talk to them, tell story to them, make us hear that they were okay and we are okay here. That’s the fastest way for them and for us to hear their story and for us to talk to them and be with them even through phone.

I remember the days that cell phones are not yet made. The most convenient way of communication on that time is through writing a letter. They tell the stories in their letters that reach their loved ones after two or three months. Then, their recipient will write also a letter to the sender which will also reach them after two or three months. Many things happened every day. What more in a month! Imagine if cell phone is not yet on hand. Everything will seem so dull. And the only way of comfort for us who are far away from home will only reach us after three months! So we are so lucky that cell phone is on hand nowadays!

Besides, we can also use our cell phone to communicate with our friends if we plan to make a get-together. Checking on each other’s condition is easier with cell phone on hand.

Thank You Lord God!

Thursday 12 January 2012

Day 12 - Thank You for the Children

Thank You Lord God for all the children, in heart, in body and mind!

First, I thank you Lord God for all the child born on this earth. For me, it’s a sign of hope and love from you. For me, it’s a sign of your blessings to mankind as the children symbolize new life, new hope, and new future for me. A child is also a sign for me that you still have faith on mankind. That you still want us to change and to serve you. Lord God, it’s a sign for me that no matter what, you will continue to bless our life and continues to trust us for those children to have a bright future.

Second, I thank you Lord God for each Child’s laughter. I really admire children because even the cruelest man will smile if they smile to them. Child’s laughter and smile is so giving, so full of trust that it touch a vulnerable part of me, the soft part of me that I can’t do anything else but to smile back. I really want to have that kind of smile. A smile that will bring smile to another person’s face.

Third, I thank you Lord God as the children wakes up the child in me. For so long, I see my life as boring, as unworthy. But whenever I see a child, I want to play with them. Sometimes I want to irritate them but it’s the feeling that they give to me that push me to hug them, to kiss them and to make them talk to me or play with me. Whenever I see a child, they give me inspiration to be good, to be the best that I can be. I know, as a child, I have a great future. A child inspires me to bring all the goodness in me. They inspire me to dream big, to have courage and take chances, to have faith in You, to have faith in others, and to have faith in myself. Really, a child inspires me to be who I am and to be the best that I can be.

And I thank God for I know that the children are the future of this world. That no matter what happens, every child will make a difference in this world and they will continue the legacy that we make today.

Here is the song for this cute little babies and inspiring little children together with the child in each one of us. Truly, every one of us has a little child in us. Sometimes a child in us is scared but when can always imitate their innocence.

Song: We are the World by Michael Jackson

Wednesday 11 January 2012

Day 11 – Thank you for the Feeling of Jealousy

 Thank You Lord for the feeling of jealousy that I have right now.

Lord God, I’m in a jealous mode today. My friend got her salary increase while I’m not! That’s my line of thinking today. I’m jealous that she got her wish but I’m also happy that you grant her wish. It’s just that I’m asking why not me too?

And as I focus on this feeling, I conclude that my friend really deserve that increase. With all the stress she’s going through to that job of hers, a well-deserved raise is a must. And I thank you Lord for granting her wish. But my jealousy is still here in my heart. But I know it’s a healthy kind of jealousy. This feeling gave me inspiration to strive more to my work, to also give my all to my job. As I know to myself that I really get bored with what I’m doing. I need to entertain myself to stay awake while doing my job. For me, it’s a really boring work but I choose it so I need to stand by my decision. I decided to give my all also to my work and to do my work carefully and as perfect as it can be. I know Lord God that you know everything and I believe that you will also see my effort and grant my wish of salary increase. I know Lord God that you already grant me of my wish to have another source of income. It’s just up to me to make it work.

Thank you Lord God for this feeling of jealousy. I believe that you allowed me to have this feeling for me to do something about it. For me to improve myself, my decision, my life and to strengthen my faith to you. I know Lord God that you also love me and you gave me this life as a testament of your great love for me.

Thank You Lord!

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Day 10 - Thank you for the Books

Thank You Lord God for all the Books that you allowed to be written.

As I am a reader of anything that I interest me, I thank God for giving those author the talent to write and to share their ideas.  I love books definitely. And now, on today’s’ genre, I really love the information age as all I want to know is on my fingertips. I just have to use my favorite search engine and all the books related to the topic I want was there. And most probably than not, they have online version that I can access easily so I only need to print them or read them online. It’s cheaper for me. And it occupies no space on my little area. I can also save them over my phone and read them at my leisure. I can save them on my external as a backup.
I really love books about magic, vampires, wolf, gods, anything supernatural. They say that I seem to have a child’s mind as I really love Harry Potter books. I have all the books on my room and have them also on my laptop. I want to peek at them every now and then. I also watch all its movies and I love to compare the books and the movies.  I love the friendship between Harry, Ron, and Hermione. And I love that it ends with good and love as a winner. Another book that I really love is the Twilight series. I love the connection of the character, Bella, Edward, Jacob and all the people around them. I love supernatural. I read other vampire books like House of Night, Morganville Vampires, Vampire Diaries and others to name  a few. One book that I still read right now is The Gods of Olympus by Rick Riordan. I’m already done with his Percy Jackson series. I’m still waiting for the next book of The Gods of Olympus. I really love reading about Greek and Roman Gods. There are many books I want to read specially those that are made into movies. Some of them I already read and some, I just download their audio file when it’s available for free.

I thank God for allowing me to read those books.  Books bring me to a different world. A world where anything is possible. A world where every decision has their repercussions and every responsibility are shouldered nicely by every individual. Through books, I gain knowledge and understanding of other people and their situation.

Thank you God!

Monday 9 January 2012

Day 9 - Thank you for the Clothes

Thank you Lord God for providing us clothes to warm our back!

We usually choose clothes according to their style, their color, their sizes and if they were “IN” on today’s genre. But for me, I mainly choose clothes to warm myself and to feel comfortable. I also choose according to style but I usually choose clothes which make me feel at ease and within myself. Sometimes I chose based on what my friends told me but most often than not, I chose to shop by myself so I can choose based on what I want and not based on others opinion.

And I thank God for providing different articles of clothing not only for me but also for my family and friends. Thank you Lord for allowing mankind to design and manufacture different articles of clothing to protect us from harsh weather that are coming to us. Thank you Lord because I know that our clothes are one of your greatest blessings for us to protect us from any physical discomfort. I know Lord God that the clothes we wear are one of your ways of comforting us.

Thank you Lord.

Sunday 8 January 2012

Day 8 - Thank you for Spiritual Guidance

Thank you Lord for all the Spiritual Guidance that you sent into my life!

Spiritual growth is not easy to attain here on earth. Personally, that's one area in my life that I know I'm in the bottom part. I still have too much to learn, too much to seek, too much to believe before I attain spiritual growth. And I thank God for giving me guidance on this area of my life. 

I remember, when I was still a young kid, I learn how to pray every night. I didn't know then that I was supposed to pray also in the morning and in every spare time I have. I also remember that when I was a kid, I go to church with my friends and choose to stay at the door of the church. Wanting to face God on that time was not on my mind. I choose to talk with my friends while the sermon is going on. When I graduated college, praying and going to church seems impossible. I pray, maybe for two minutes and then I will sleep because I was too tired to say anything. And going to church becomes impossible as I always say to myself that I was tired and I need rest and God will understand.  

But all of this change when I reach a foreign country. Here, I am alone. Yes, I'm with my friends and cousins but it was never the same. The work here is not too hard, not too stressful that I find time to pray. But at this time, I feel so far away from God that I attend mass but didn't take communion. I always think that I am not worthy of it. And then, here, I found my Singles For Christ (SFC) family. Here I learn that what I feel is normal and also felt by other people like me. That all I need to do is trust in Him and everything will be alright. My SFC family guides me through companionship, friendship and being accepted as me. I felt loved and I know that they are the angels sent by God to redeem me and save me from myself. They are the people that God sent to me to share His good news and to share His love to me. They are the living testimony that God Loves me in spite and despite of what I did in the past. Through them and with my family, I know that God see me in my future and not with my past. That God has a great plan for me and all I need to do is trust in Him and all the people He sent to guide me.

Now, I regularly attend mass every Sunday or Friday. I also have regular prayer group with my SFC household. And a bible study had formed in our unit so every Wednesday; we talk about some passage on the bible and its meaning in our lives.

Thank You Lord!

Saturday 7 January 2012

Day 7 – Thank you for the Sickness

Thank you Lord for giving me a physical sickness!

As I am getting dizzy at the moment, I just want to take time and thank God for giving me sickness. For me, sickness is one way of God showing me how much He loves me. For me, God gave me temporary sickness like this cough and cold for me to better take care of my body. God loves me to have this mild sickness so that I can avoid much greater damage to my body. As my body is a temple of God, I should learn to better take care of it and don’t abuse myself. I should know when to stop and know when I should stop and lift up everything to God. It is one way of God saying that I don’t need to worry about anything else because God is with me. I’m very thankful because it is one way of God showing me my weakness.

Thank you Lord God for this sickness and I pray that you continue to alert me and my loved ones when we do something that is not good for our health. And I pray for your complete healing, not only physically but also emotionally, financially and spiritually, for me, my family and friends and those who are sick in those areas of their lives just as I am. Because I know Lord God that it is easier to take care of our physical health than to take care of the other areas of our life.

Thank you Lord!

Friday 6 January 2012

Day 6 – Thank you for Rest Days

Thank you Lord for all the rest days from work!

Rest day is the one thing I enjoy the most. After 5 weeks of working, a well-deserved rest day is a must. After all, God also enjoy some rest after creating the world in 6 days. And I am very blessed because God allowed me to have two. How nice the feeling is. Thank You Lord!
What did I do on my 2 day rest?

Hmm.. On my rest day, I actually wake up late. My time of waking up is usually 10 o’clock in the morning. Some of my friends say that it was too early as they wake up at around 12 pm. Others say that it was too late because they wake up the same time as if there was work. But it’s really depend on us. So every morning, I take a brunch with my housemates. Sometimes, it was a quick fix especially when we decided to attend mass on that day. Then when I was scheduled for cleaning the kitchen or the comfort room, I did it also on my rest day. Then call to my family back home. Checking their condition, their health and what they want or need. Checking also for some news on our relatives. It was fun. Sometimes I feel lonely just talking to them but I know I need to earn and find a way to be with them. Then, as it is a rest day, internet galore is in! Watching movies, teleserye and anything that I was interested in.

My second rest day was spent ironing clothes, shopping for our food, cooking, anything that I need to fix before going back to work.

It’s nice having a rest day. It’s nice having a time to do things differently for after doing same things for five days. It’s nice to talk to my family. It’s nice to do shopping with my housemates. It’s nice to take a while and take a deep breath and assess the situation and happenings in my life. It’s nice to enjoy simple things. To spend my rest day just as it is.. A rest day with some housework.

And I pray to take a vacation soon as my way of resting. I’d like it to be on the beach with my family and I know God is preparing it for me. My ultimate rest day!

Thursday 5 January 2012

Day 5 - Thank you for my Friends

Thank You Lord for my Friends!

For me, friends are the people in my life who share their life, time, resources and everything as I share also all that I can with them. They are the people who share my happiness and hurt. People who knows the true me. They are the people that I consider as angel sent by God to make my life happy in this world. They are the people that somehow color my world and people that affect who I am now. They are the people that serve as my “conscience” in this world. People who tells me what I did wrong and people that guide me to the right path. They are people that serve as my light and hope in this world.

I included to my list of friends all the people I met through my life. It starts from the moment I understand that how great my parents love is. I know I’m a difficult person to be with, sometimes I don’t even understand myself. So sharing myself is never easy. I always try to depend on myself. Always think that I can do anything. Always keeping everything to myself. Sometimes I think that if I show my true self to others, they will not like me as I am. But despite this, I met people who willingly share their self to me even without me sharing everything about me.  They are the people that don’t demand anything from me but accept what I can give. People that make me feel special and our group was not complete without me. They are the people that value me. They are also the people who gone with me through thick and thin. People that never leave my side no matter what situation I am in.

 And as I grow old, I learn to trust other people to like me as I am, the true me. So this people bring joy to my life. They also help me accept myself and accept situations. I learn that I am who I am and God loves me as I am. That God sent those angels for me to teach me to be happy in spite of any situation and enjoy life as it is. They are the people that bring me closer to God, people that teach me accept God as the driver of my life and people that serve as a testimony from God that He really exists and that He really loves me.
I always pray to God that the friendship I had made with those people in my life will not lost and I always pray to God to send me more angels in my life, those we called Friends!

Here is a video for all my Friends out there. I hope we stay friends Through the Years!

Wednesday 4 January 2012

Day 4 - Thank You for All the Teachers You Sent in my Life

Thank you Lord for all the teachers you sent in my life.

But what is a teacher?

A teacher is a person who provides education for pupils and students. These are the one I encounter while I was on school and university. These are the people who teach me how to read and write. People that show me how to do addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and even trigonometry, algebra, calculus etc. People that teach me the basic knowledge that I need. And I thank God for giving me all this wonderful persons.

There are also other teachers that come into my life. They are the people that guide me emotionally, financially, physically and spiritually. They are the people that mold me to what I am now. They are the people that have the greatest effect on me. They are the people that show me how to survive in this world. First, I want to thank God for being my teacher in humility, forgiveness and selflessness. For enduring every hardship for the sake of those I love. Second, I want to thank my parents for guiding me and molding my characters. For always guiding me in my decisions. Third, I want to thank my friends for sharing their experiences with me. Experiences that serve as my guide as I encounter all the hardship they impart. Fourth, I want to thank all the priest, pastors and teachers, with regards to the word of God, for unceasingly guiding me to the path that I should take to be closer to God. As I am away for my family, these people gave me knowledge and guidance for all the decisions that I make. Because of them, my life seems bearable. And with you, God, as my ultimate teacher, life becomes a wonderful journey.

Thank you Lord!

Tuesday 3 January 2012

Day 3 - Thank You Lord for the Gift of Family

Thank you Lord for the gift of family!
But what is family?
A family is a group of people affiliated by consanguinityaffinity, or co-residence. Consanguinity refers to the property of being from the same kinship as another person. In that respect, consanguinity is the quality of being descended from the same ancestor as another person. With this definition, we know that family consists of our father, mother, siblings, uncles, aunties, cousins, grandparents and other people whom we are affiliated by blood. And I thank God for giving me a large clan, a large family. We are only simple persons living in the farm, planting and eating the fruits of our labor. This is my simple family starting from my ancestors. But above all, I believe in the strength of the relationship we have as a family. This is one place on earth that I am always glad to be back because in this place, I felt the love and support of my family. They are one of my greatest gifts from God. People that I know that knew me from the time I was at this world and would never judge me in anything I do. People that will support me and will always be happy for me especially my parents. I know that they love me and only want the best for me. Parents that always guide me on the right track. Parents that allow me to make my decisions commit mistakes and learn from it. Parents that will always love me as I am.

And we also have other kind of family. They are what we call friends. Friends that always support the ways our families support us. They knew us the way our families knew us. Friends are extension of our families. They also give us courage, love and understanding. They are wonderful gift from God.

Here is the song for my family. Thank you for the love and support. Thank you for understanding. Thank you for always wanting the best for me and always encouraging me to be the best that I can be. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experiences with me.  Thank you for being the Wind Beneath My Wings. Thank you Lord for this wonderful people in my life. My Family.

Monday 2 January 2012

Day 2 - Thank You Lord for Each Day

Thank You Lord for each Day, for each time that you allowed me to see each morning.

Thank you Lord for giving me a chance to wake up, to see the sun, to be with my family, to be with my friends, to be able to work. Thank you Lord for each day because its a sign to me that you gave me a chance to change myself, a chance to make-up for my mistakes, a chance to be with you and serve you more. Thank you Lord that you gave each day for me to do your will for me. For making me realize the value of each day in fulfilling the task you ask of me. I know that you want me to share my life with other people. I know that you want me to be a witness for your great love to us and I know that you want me to know you more and to have faith in all your plans to me. Sometimes I tend to LET GO but by giving me each day, its always a sign to me that you never give up on me, that you know there's still hope for me to change and to serve you more.

Thank you Lord for everything that each day symbolizes. The new hope, the new dream, the new ME! Thank you Lord that despite of everything that I've done, you gave me each day to be a witness once again what a wonderful creation I am for your and that everything around me is beautiful as you are also the one who created them.

Thank you Lord God!

Sunday 1 January 2012

Day 1 - Thank You Lord for Another Year

Happy New Year to Everyone! And I thank God for giving me a chance to finish 2011 with all its blessings and struggles. Truly, 2011 is a fruitful year to me.

2011 gave me new friends, new chances in life, new lessons, new realizations.. 2011 gave me everything I need to survive, every support that I need, every lessons that I need to learn, every struggles that I need to face. I believe that everything that I need to learn, I learn on 2011. I know God design the past year for me with a great purpose in His great mind. I know God gives everything, designs everything, knows everything in my life. I know that all the decisions I make in 2011 is the decision that God wants me to do. I know God's purpose to me never changes.. Maybe there's some block or turn on the road I take but I always enjoy the turn.. I know that God allows me to make all the mistakes that I can so I can learn from them.. God loves me beyond reason that my simple mind can't comprehend but I know God loves me no matter what, and He will never, never give up on me!

And now for 2012, I expect every best thing that God has in store for me for this year. I know all my plans will be fulfilled as God is guiding me through it. As I think over my New Year’s Resolution, I realize that I only want to do a few things and to change few things for myself but I believe that this will greatly affect all my decisions and the path that I want to take. I also believe that these changes are enough for now.. First, I want to show love and more love for all the people around me especially to my family. I want to make them feel special and love. I want to extend this not only to my family, but also to my friends, past and present, to my colleagues, and to every people that I met every day. I want to show them how thankful I am for making me feel special also simply by knowing them. Second, I want to serve more with God. I wish to give all that I have with God. To always have great faith in all His Wonderful plans for me as I know to myself that I am a great worrier. Third, I want to be more active on my Virtual Assistant gig. I want to finish all the required tutorials for my VA training and to be able to have a stable gig. I plan to make this a stepping stone for me to know my niche for online marketing. I know this exercise will help me to know myself more and to do the job that I enjoy. Fourth, I want to take more care for myself. To give everything that I need to do for my body to stay healthy and have some mind practice especially on practical things. These are my New Year's Resolution for 2012 and I thank God for giving me this year to make a difference in my own way.
Year 2012 - Thank you Lord for Another Wonderful Year ahead!

Here's a Song video that always makes me feel loved by God. This is a song from Don Moen, God Will Make a Way.