Sunday 29 January 2012

Day 28 -Thank You for taking my Laptop away

Thank You Lord for taking my Laptop away!

As my laptop is not with me, I am posting this blog late. I try to use one of my housemate’s laptop to post it but to no success so I’m posting it using our office computer, so it will just be short.

Thank you Lord for taking my laptop away as I have time to do other things. I realized that I enjoy watching television on our 32” TV. I realized that I really missed some unusual TV programs like watching cartoons e.g. “Dora the Explorer” because when my laptop is with me, I just watch teleserye then play. But right now, because I don’t have the laptop, I enjoy watching TV with my housemates and do some naughty things to them, just for fun. And reading becomes my past time once again.

Really, God takes something away to make me enjoy other things. Thank You Lord!

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