Sunday 8 January 2012

Day 8 - Thank you for Spiritual Guidance

Thank you Lord for all the Spiritual Guidance that you sent into my life!

Spiritual growth is not easy to attain here on earth. Personally, that's one area in my life that I know I'm in the bottom part. I still have too much to learn, too much to seek, too much to believe before I attain spiritual growth. And I thank God for giving me guidance on this area of my life. 

I remember, when I was still a young kid, I learn how to pray every night. I didn't know then that I was supposed to pray also in the morning and in every spare time I have. I also remember that when I was a kid, I go to church with my friends and choose to stay at the door of the church. Wanting to face God on that time was not on my mind. I choose to talk with my friends while the sermon is going on. When I graduated college, praying and going to church seems impossible. I pray, maybe for two minutes and then I will sleep because I was too tired to say anything. And going to church becomes impossible as I always say to myself that I was tired and I need rest and God will understand.  

But all of this change when I reach a foreign country. Here, I am alone. Yes, I'm with my friends and cousins but it was never the same. The work here is not too hard, not too stressful that I find time to pray. But at this time, I feel so far away from God that I attend mass but didn't take communion. I always think that I am not worthy of it. And then, here, I found my Singles For Christ (SFC) family. Here I learn that what I feel is normal and also felt by other people like me. That all I need to do is trust in Him and everything will be alright. My SFC family guides me through companionship, friendship and being accepted as me. I felt loved and I know that they are the angels sent by God to redeem me and save me from myself. They are the people that God sent to me to share His good news and to share His love to me. They are the living testimony that God Loves me in spite and despite of what I did in the past. Through them and with my family, I know that God see me in my future and not with my past. That God has a great plan for me and all I need to do is trust in Him and all the people He sent to guide me.

Now, I regularly attend mass every Sunday or Friday. I also have regular prayer group with my SFC household. And a bible study had formed in our unit so every Wednesday; we talk about some passage on the bible and its meaning in our lives.

Thank You Lord!

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