Monday 30 January 2012

Day 30 - Thank you for the gift of Sleep

Thank you God for the gift of Sleep!

I thank God for allowing me to have a sleeping time. A good nights’ rest allows me to have a good morning and a beautiful day. It also allows my body to get its needed rest and catch up with my health. It helps me do my work easily and happily and no matter what others may do, that was supposed to irritate me on my bad days, becomes bearable at all.

I remember a time when sleep doesn’t come to me. It makes me irritated and easily gets tired even when I was only sitting. I can’t also focus to my work and my mind is just wondering on my bed and how good it is to stay and sleep all day. On these days, I just want the day to be done and over so I can go home and sleep. But while I was like this at work, when I get home, sleeping becomes a problem because it seems like sleep jumps out of my window that I’m not able to sleep and all and I end up sleeping late again and again.

Actually, I have particular surroundings where I want to sleep. I don’t know how others manage to sleep on bright and noisy surroundings because as for me, I want to sleep on a dark and silent one. It makes me relax and able to travel on dreamland. I am very sensitive on any lights that when it was turned on I automatically wake up and become irritated just like on making even a small noise. I wish I have my own room where everything is manageable but since I have 5 housemates, I can’t force them to be like me so until now, after over five years of having roommates, my sleeping habit doesn’t change at all; but I’m beginning to adapt. I put 3 layers of curtain to my bed to block the lights and put blindfold so the light won’t bother me. For the noise, that’s the one I can’t stop. I just ask them not to be too noisy when someone is sleeping. But my sleeping problem is not yet over. I still need a minimum hour of lying in my bed before I actually got to sleep. I admire those people who can instantly sleep even when they were sitting or even standing. But despite all these, sleeping is still my favorite hobby! And I thank God that no matter how hard it is for me to get sleep and find that rest, I’m still happy that I have a bed and I can sleep whenever I want or just to feel my bed.

Thank you Lord!

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