Wednesday 11 January 2012

Day 11 – Thank you for the Feeling of Jealousy

 Thank You Lord for the feeling of jealousy that I have right now.

Lord God, I’m in a jealous mode today. My friend got her salary increase while I’m not! That’s my line of thinking today. I’m jealous that she got her wish but I’m also happy that you grant her wish. It’s just that I’m asking why not me too?

And as I focus on this feeling, I conclude that my friend really deserve that increase. With all the stress she’s going through to that job of hers, a well-deserved raise is a must. And I thank you Lord for granting her wish. But my jealousy is still here in my heart. But I know it’s a healthy kind of jealousy. This feeling gave me inspiration to strive more to my work, to also give my all to my job. As I know to myself that I really get bored with what I’m doing. I need to entertain myself to stay awake while doing my job. For me, it’s a really boring work but I choose it so I need to stand by my decision. I decided to give my all also to my work and to do my work carefully and as perfect as it can be. I know Lord God that you know everything and I believe that you will also see my effort and grant my wish of salary increase. I know Lord God that you already grant me of my wish to have another source of income. It’s just up to me to make it work.

Thank you Lord God for this feeling of jealousy. I believe that you allowed me to have this feeling for me to do something about it. For me to improve myself, my decision, my life and to strengthen my faith to you. I know Lord God that you also love me and you gave me this life as a testament of your great love for me.

Thank You Lord!

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