Wednesday 18 January 2012

Day 18 - Thank You for allowing me to learn How to Cook

Thank You Lord God for allowing me to learn How to Cook.

I thank God for this skill because as I grow old, I didn’t know how to cook anything. Don’t get me wrong. I know how to cook rice and anything fried but those dishes that seems so complicated, like adobo, is I don’t know. Imagine, I don’t know how to cook my favorite adobo! And so, all the food that I ate after 24 years was either fried, which I prepared sometimes; or food prepared by my father and mother, sometimes my brother; or food that I just bought in the carinderia or in any fast food that I fancy. That’s how my life in the Philippines goes on. I am like that on my elementary days as I say to myself that I am still too young to cook so I just want to play and eat when there’s food prepared by my parents. I am like that when I am in high school as I don’t bring lunch pack at school. My parents gave me money to buy food in the school cafeteria. I am also like that when I am in college as I was staying in the dormitory as cooking is not allowed so I only buy my food in the carinderia beside our dorm. And I am like that as I was working because I stayed in a boarding house that had too many people that going to the kitchen to cook irritates me as I feel tired from work and I feel that I am already old to learn how to cook so I just ate before going home and I went home only to sleep. That’s the story how I don’t learn to cook by myself.

But everything changed when I decided to go here in Dubai. I don’t expect that my life will take a drastic turn when I decided to come here. I don’t know how to cook when I got here but later on, I realize that I can’t eat if I will not cook. As my housemates here have their schedule in cooking for the whole house so I need to learn by myself. But learning is not easy. On the earlier part, I always pray that there was someone here when I cook so they can guide me while cooking. I also don’t know how to mix all the condiments, whether I put enough salt, soy sauce, vinegar, pepper or anything at all. I don’t know if the taste is already what it was supposed to be and what I should add to make them taste like that. But after a year or two, I thank God that I learn. I’m still not a good cook but at least, I can already eat the food that I prepared. And you know what I learn about cooking? Well, everything starts with the oil, and then sauté garlic and onion then add the meat and add anything that you think was supposed to be the ingredients then put some salt or fish sauce then pepper then mix. And you will have your menu. Just like that. I learn that no matter what process I cook, it will come as it was supposed to. Maybe that’s why I’m still not a good cook but so what, as long as I can ate what I cook and others can eat also what I prepared, I’m happy that way. And I thank God for allowing me to learn this skill. I know God doesn’t want me to get hungry and others too, so He allowed me to come here and learn.

Thank You Lord!

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