Monday 9 January 2012

Day 9 - Thank you for the Clothes

Thank you Lord God for providing us clothes to warm our back!

We usually choose clothes according to their style, their color, their sizes and if they were “IN” on today’s genre. But for me, I mainly choose clothes to warm myself and to feel comfortable. I also choose according to style but I usually choose clothes which make me feel at ease and within myself. Sometimes I chose based on what my friends told me but most often than not, I chose to shop by myself so I can choose based on what I want and not based on others opinion.

And I thank God for providing different articles of clothing not only for me but also for my family and friends. Thank you Lord for allowing mankind to design and manufacture different articles of clothing to protect us from harsh weather that are coming to us. Thank you Lord because I know that our clothes are one of your greatest blessings for us to protect us from any physical discomfort. I know Lord God that the clothes we wear are one of your ways of comforting us.

Thank you Lord.

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