Friday 27 January 2012

Day 27 - Thank You for my Housemate's Laptop

Thank you Lord for my Housemate's Laptop!

This is a quick one as I just borrowed my housemate's laptop. According to the service center, I will get my laptop after 2 or 3 weeks. So it will be a long time before I will be able to post my blog regularly but it's okay. I will post my blog using my housemate's laptop whenever it's free. I'm so blessed to have a housemate that was willing to share her laptop to me and allows me to check my email, my facebook and to have time to write this short blog. Actually, whenever I'm lost and out of resources there are always people sent by God that helps me like this housemate of mine. And I really thank God for surrounding me with good people. By this good people, I almost felt good to myself though I know that I'm still on the healing process. I thank God for sending me people who helps me to  my healing process through their simple actions.

Thank you Lord!

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