Thursday 19 January 2012

Day 19 - Thank You for the Bonding Moments

Thank You Lord God for the Bonding Moments!

Yes, I’m late posting this blog of mine as I have bonding moments with my friends. As tomorrow is a rest day, we make this night a bonding time for us.

 I only have bonding moment tonight with one of my friends. She wants to buy some gift and I also want to check something. So we go to Deira City Center to check some items. We just walk around and roam around as it was Dubai Shopping Festival this month up to February 5 so we check the stalls that have a sale sign and check their prices. If it’s on our budget and we like it, then we bought it. If we like it but not on budget then we don’t buy it. It’s nice to take off some stress after one week of working. I’m sure we will have more bonding moments will our friends in the future.

One of my goals is to have this kind of bonding moments with my family. They are one of the reasons why I want to be here so I want to have a connection with them even in short moments. I hope to make it happen when I came home this year and I know God will make a way for me and my family to have those precious moments.

Thank You Lord!

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