Sunday 1 January 2012

Day 1 - Thank You Lord for Another Year

Happy New Year to Everyone! And I thank God for giving me a chance to finish 2011 with all its blessings and struggles. Truly, 2011 is a fruitful year to me.

2011 gave me new friends, new chances in life, new lessons, new realizations.. 2011 gave me everything I need to survive, every support that I need, every lessons that I need to learn, every struggles that I need to face. I believe that everything that I need to learn, I learn on 2011. I know God design the past year for me with a great purpose in His great mind. I know God gives everything, designs everything, knows everything in my life. I know that all the decisions I make in 2011 is the decision that God wants me to do. I know God's purpose to me never changes.. Maybe there's some block or turn on the road I take but I always enjoy the turn.. I know that God allows me to make all the mistakes that I can so I can learn from them.. God loves me beyond reason that my simple mind can't comprehend but I know God loves me no matter what, and He will never, never give up on me!

And now for 2012, I expect every best thing that God has in store for me for this year. I know all my plans will be fulfilled as God is guiding me through it. As I think over my New Year’s Resolution, I realize that I only want to do a few things and to change few things for myself but I believe that this will greatly affect all my decisions and the path that I want to take. I also believe that these changes are enough for now.. First, I want to show love and more love for all the people around me especially to my family. I want to make them feel special and love. I want to extend this not only to my family, but also to my friends, past and present, to my colleagues, and to every people that I met every day. I want to show them how thankful I am for making me feel special also simply by knowing them. Second, I want to serve more with God. I wish to give all that I have with God. To always have great faith in all His Wonderful plans for me as I know to myself that I am a great worrier. Third, I want to be more active on my Virtual Assistant gig. I want to finish all the required tutorials for my VA training and to be able to have a stable gig. I plan to make this a stepping stone for me to know my niche for online marketing. I know this exercise will help me to know myself more and to do the job that I enjoy. Fourth, I want to take more care for myself. To give everything that I need to do for my body to stay healthy and have some mind practice especially on practical things. These are my New Year's Resolution for 2012 and I thank God for giving me this year to make a difference in my own way.
Year 2012 - Thank you Lord for Another Wonderful Year ahead!

Here's a Song video that always makes me feel loved by God. This is a song from Don Moen, God Will Make a Way.

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