Tuesday 10 January 2012

Day 10 - Thank you for the Books

Thank You Lord God for all the Books that you allowed to be written.

As I am a reader of anything that I interest me, I thank God for giving those author the talent to write and to share their ideas.  I love books definitely. And now, on today’s’ genre, I really love the information age as all I want to know is on my fingertips. I just have to use my favorite search engine and all the books related to the topic I want was there. And most probably than not, they have online version that I can access easily so I only need to print them or read them online. It’s cheaper for me. And it occupies no space on my little area. I can also save them over my phone and read them at my leisure. I can save them on my external as a backup.
I really love books about magic, vampires, wolf, gods, anything supernatural. They say that I seem to have a child’s mind as I really love Harry Potter books. I have all the books on my room and have them also on my laptop. I want to peek at them every now and then. I also watch all its movies and I love to compare the books and the movies.  I love the friendship between Harry, Ron, and Hermione. And I love that it ends with good and love as a winner. Another book that I really love is the Twilight series. I love the connection of the character, Bella, Edward, Jacob and all the people around them. I love supernatural. I read other vampire books like House of Night, Morganville Vampires, Vampire Diaries and others to name  a few. One book that I still read right now is The Gods of Olympus by Rick Riordan. I’m already done with his Percy Jackson series. I’m still waiting for the next book of The Gods of Olympus. I really love reading about Greek and Roman Gods. There are many books I want to read specially those that are made into movies. Some of them I already read and some, I just download their audio file when it’s available for free.

I thank God for allowing me to read those books.  Books bring me to a different world. A world where anything is possible. A world where every decision has their repercussions and every responsibility are shouldered nicely by every individual. Through books, I gain knowledge and understanding of other people and their situation.

Thank you God!

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