Tuesday 3 January 2012

Day 3 - Thank You Lord for the Gift of Family

Thank you Lord for the gift of family!
But what is family?
A family is a group of people affiliated by consanguinityaffinity, or co-residence. Consanguinity refers to the property of being from the same kinship as another person. In that respect, consanguinity is the quality of being descended from the same ancestor as another person. With this definition, we know that family consists of our father, mother, siblings, uncles, aunties, cousins, grandparents and other people whom we are affiliated by blood. And I thank God for giving me a large clan, a large family. We are only simple persons living in the farm, planting and eating the fruits of our labor. This is my simple family starting from my ancestors. But above all, I believe in the strength of the relationship we have as a family. This is one place on earth that I am always glad to be back because in this place, I felt the love and support of my family. They are one of my greatest gifts from God. People that I know that knew me from the time I was at this world and would never judge me in anything I do. People that will support me and will always be happy for me especially my parents. I know that they love me and only want the best for me. Parents that always guide me on the right track. Parents that allow me to make my decisions commit mistakes and learn from it. Parents that will always love me as I am.

And we also have other kind of family. They are what we call friends. Friends that always support the ways our families support us. They knew us the way our families knew us. Friends are extension of our families. They also give us courage, love and understanding. They are wonderful gift from God.

Here is the song for my family. Thank you for the love and support. Thank you for understanding. Thank you for always wanting the best for me and always encouraging me to be the best that I can be. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experiences with me.  Thank you for being the Wind Beneath My Wings. Thank you Lord for this wonderful people in my life. My Family.

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