Monday 30 January 2012

Day 29 -Thank You for teaching me to save money

Thank You Lord for teaching me to save money.

Thank you Lord God for allowing me to learn how make ends meet with what I have and sometimes, save, if there is an opportunity.

Right now, I’m on the struggling period of saving. No matter how much I earn, it seems like I just barely go with it without buying anything special. I always try to allot money for something and end up not buying it but no money at all. But no matter what, I’m glad that I didn’t need to borrow money just to get by. I’m very proud to say that I can make both ends meet without borrowing some money to others. I’m always proud of my budgeting skills though most of the times; I really stop myself on buying unnecessary things. As I believed, I am not an impulsive buyer. So when I want something, I will spend months thinking about it and saving money just to buy it. I’m not a fun of credit cards also so I think my life is quite simple.

But what my goal right now is really to save enough for my future and for my family. I really want to have savings, stocks, properties, and business to help not only my family but also other people. I’m still on the planning process on how I would attain this but I believe God already laid the foundation to me when He allowed me to learn how to save, so other necessary things I need to learn will be easy because I know God already laid their foundation in me. I just need to rediscover and used to.

Thank you Lord God!

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