Monday 27 February 2012

Day 55 - Thank You for the Sun

I thank God for giving us the Sun. The Sun provides warm and heat that we need to be healthy and strong. The sun also gives light to us. The sun has also been our life support here on earth. The sun provides also all the needed nourishments of plant and animals. I believe that God created Sun as a symbol of His unwavering light and support to us. It is a symbol of light through our darkness and support through our weaknesses. For me, Sun symbolizes God in His great show of love to us.

Thank You Lord!

Day 54 - Thank you for the air we breathe

I thank God for the air we breathe. As we, humans really need air in our life. Air is our life support in this world. And clean air is like heaven to us. Air is one of our most needed things in this world to survive. Without air, nothing, not even plants and animals can survive without it. That’s why I thank God for giving us air to breathe and enjoy. And take note, God gave it for free. I don’t know what will happen to us if we need to buy air. Maybe earth is so dull and only few lucky people will be here. But because God loves us very much, all we need, He provides for FREE!

Thank you Lord!

Saturday 25 February 2012

Day 53 - Thank you for Ash Wednesday

I thank God for Ash Wednesday as Ash Wednesday is a day of repentance and its mark the beginning of lent. I thank God for allowing us to observe this important occasion in a Muslim country like United Arab Emirates.

On this day, I see a lot of Christians, Filipino and non-Filipinos go to church, attend mass and everyone was excited to have a cross of ashes on their forehead. I am very happy to observe each and everyone so excited to have this mark and I believe that each one of us are also excited to the responsibilities attached with this mark. I believe that we are all excited to fast from food and all negative emotions in this lent. I believe that all of us are excited to have closer relationship with God, to know Him more and love Him more this season. I hope that this yearning in our hearts will continue throughout the years. I always believe in the goodness of everyone’s heart and I know God will be happy to know that we are all excited to follow His will for us.

Thank you Lord!

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Day 52 - Thank you for Weariness

Thank You Lord for allowing me to feel tired!

I thank God for allowing me to feel weary. It’s my sign for me that I am still alive. There were times when I just feel like I’m just here but I won’t be able to feel tired in anything and everything that I do. I just exist without minding anybody. There were times when I can just do anything, thinking nothing about them and just go on with it without any feelings of tiredness. But now, I realize that it wasn’t just that I don’t feel tired but because I don’t feel weary because I am weary all along and sometimes not seem to care at all. Weariness is a sign for me that I can already feel alive nowadays that’s why I feel weary. For me, weariness means that I am alive and that I am still fighting despite all the problems in my life. Weariness for me is a sign of hope, a sign of a future that was beyond my imagination. It is a sign for me that life is worth living. It is a sign for me that I don’t have to feel weary all along because God is with me and fighting my battles especially when I feel tired and hopeless. And fighting weariness in life makes me stronger and hopeful in life.

Thank you Lord!

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Day 51 – Thank you for Alarm Clock

I thank God for allowing us to have alarm clock. As sleeping is really one of my hobby, waking up on time is a problem for me. I’m glad that man invents alarm clock. My alarm clock is just the one on the phone. And it is easier cause I only have to set it once and set the days it will go and it automatically buzz me on that days and time. Alarm clock never fails to buzz me except when my phone has no battery. I also use alarm clock to remind me of any important meetings I have. I just have to set the time and try hard to remember why I set my alarm on that time. It’s fun! Because I always tend to forget something and this kind of thinking what I forget makes me happy. It’s some kind of exercise for my brain.

Thank you Lord!

Sunday 19 February 2012

Day 50 – Thank you for Extra Biscuits

I thank God for the extra biscuits!

As I was very excited on buying biscuits for the event, I realize that I bought too many biscuits for the participants. I bought two big plastic of biscuits! How about that? I didn’t realize that it was too many until I reach home. So what did I do? I get each kind of biscuits and left them at home. Even when I do this, there’s still more biscuits left but it’s ok, they can use them on the next event. And do you know what I do to the biscuits that were left for me? Of course, I didn’t eat them all! What do you think of me? Though I like food, I know to myself that the biscuits left are too much for me. So what I did is give each housemate one or two kinds of biscuits for their snacks.  I am so happy that I am able to share to them and to the community even through this simple act. I am happy that when I buy too many biscuits, maybe unconsciously, I was thinking about them. As for me, my reason for buying those many biscuits is that, I, myself don’t want to get hungry. For me, it’s better that there’s too much bread than too little bread. After all, that was an all day event so I don’t want my brothers and sisters in the community to get hungry. And indeed, God provides food for us and we have still some extra and able to share to our other brothers and sisters outside the community.

Thank you Lord!

Day 49 – Thank you for the feeling of being alone

I thank God for my feeling of being alone.

As our most awaited event comes to pass, I don’t know why I felt so alone. I already accept the fact that my household nanay and sisters were not there to support me though I am glad that one of my ate shows up on the second event. I already accept also that maybe, I can be part of my other group mates circle of family because like me, their nanay was not there but at least they have each other. I already accept also that I need to do what was expected of me to do on this event and then I can move on. But what really hurts me, I still come home alone after this event and I don’t know who I can say goodbye to. All of them come home together but me, I just walk alone and I really felt pity to myself. I know I shouldn’t feel like that after the event but it really hurts that I was almost crying while walking and convincing myself that it was all okay, that I know, somehow, I gained friends doing this service. I just say to myself that I do this service for God and not for other people, which I don’t need to expect any appreciation from others because God’s appreciation for me is enough. But it really hurts… I have my cousin who attends the event but she also goes home with one of her sister in the community. I don’t hold it to her because I know she do that because she doesn’t have a choice because I want to stay late to see that everything’s okay. But what really hurts was even my teammates were not there and I can’t even say goodbye to them, that I was just looking to them, gathering my courage to say goodbye but they never noticed me at all so I just walk away and move on. I don’t need any appreciation but a simple goodbye for me would be sufficed enough because I thought that we were friends but maybe I expect too much. And this feeling of being alone makes me evaluate myself and think what’s wrong with me. Why doesn’t anyone like me besides my household? Maybe I’m just expecting too much recognition and God teaches me to be humble. And I thank God for that feeling. I thank God for all the lessons He teaches me when he called me to serve.

Really, God has wonderful plans for me and He will use anything to mold me to be a better person. Thank You Lord!

Day 48 – Thank you for another successful event

I thank God for another successful event as this Friday is the day where all are preparations take effect as this Friday was our main event day. I thank God for allowing us all to have a good nights’ rest and allowing all of us, service team and participants to come early on the event and be happy to be with each other’s company. There are only some minor problems but God takes them all away almost immediately and even though there are pressure, its ok for me because I really love to be of service to my sisters and brothers.

All of the service team arrived at the venue early. We prepare and arrange the room according to our preference and we all excitedly wait for our participants. I am very happy because on this day, one thing I witness is the big heart of my sisters and brothers. That they are all willing to share their 3Ts in the community: their time, talent and treasure. I can see the happiness they have on sharing their blessings with each other. What I most really loved on this gathering is the feeling of being with my family. The feeling that the community accepts me as part of them. The feeling that God is with us throughout the event and He is blessing each and every one of us, I am thankful for that. This kind of event makes me feel important and good. In this kind of event, I can easily convince myself that I am good.

Thank you Lord!

Saturday 18 February 2012

Day 47 – Thank you Lord for the Extra Hand

As my whole attention now is focus on serving the community and do what was assigned to me by my brother and sister in the Singles for Christ community, my sister in SFC and I decided to make something special for all the participants. We decided to make a sandwich for our brothers and sisters in the community. After all, this chance only happens once in our life so we take it. We happily make the sandwich for them. Shopping for all the needed ingredients for our little tokens and makes them ourselves. It’s already past 10 pm when we finish the spread and start putting them on the sandwich and I thank all my housemates because they help us and take charge so we can have faster process and be able to finish at 12 midnight. It’s really nice to have this bonding moments with my housemates and me thank God for sending those extra to help us finish our task.

I really believe that God always sends the right people to help us when we are in need especially when we are doing everything for Him.

Thank You Lord!

Day 46 - Thank you for giving me early hour out work

Thank you Lord for my Work which offers early hour out.

 I thank God for my work which has its early hour out. I can always use those times most often than not on my cooking activities but this these past few days, I can really devote the use of this early out to accomplish checking for grocery prices. As I am part of the team to secure all the participants food for the upcoming event, budget is always tight so I make a note where we can buy an item on their cheapest value. I am always glad to do this work. It’s not only that I feel doing it for others but most especially, I do it for God and I always feel His presence and protection in my life. I really believe that when we do our works for God, He will always be there for us and will never ever let go of us.

Thank you Lord!

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Day 45 - Thank you for Valentine’s Day

Thank you Lord for Valentine’s Day

I thank God for the Hearts Day. This day is just another day for me. For me, it’s another day to love, to help, to serve. I know it was special to those who already have their God’s gift in life but for a single person like me, Valentine’s Day is just another normal day. Do you know what makes it special for me? It was the joyous face of my housemates and friends. I’m really happy for them that they are happy with the one they chose and with the one that God gave to them. I am happy seeing those flowers and chocolates that they give with each other. I am happy that they make extra effort to make each other happy. That makes me happy for them.

For me, I just go to work, greet my friends and enjoy my quite time again on the house. I enjoy watching “The Matrix Revolution” on television and I enjoy the flower and balloons given by my housemates. On this day, I don’t feel alone as I have my friends with me and I know that all of us are enjoying each other company.

I thank God for this occasion because it makes my friends and families happy and for them for making the extra effort to make their partner happy.

Thank You Lord!

Monday 13 February 2012

Day 44 - Thank you for gift of Walking

Thank you Lord for gift of Walking!

I thank God for His gift of Walking. As I am a person who easily gets dizzy, walking is my preferred way of travel. It is better for me to walk than to take a cab at all. On those frequent times that we chose to take a cab, I always end up on my bed after the ride or I am on the bathroom and do some throwing up and it’s not a good feeling at all. That’s why when we chose to go out, I always said to my friends before hand, that if it’s ok for us to walk our way especially if we just want to go in the nearest mall or park.

I really love walking. I love feeling the air on my face and my hair. I really love the scent of cold air. I know walking becomes hard to others when it was hot but for me its fine and I enjoy it more. One of the reasons for that I don’t perspire easily. It’s like we already walk a mile and my companions are already drench in sweat even they have towels but for me, it was just a moist on my forehead. No sweat at all. Even if I drink too much water, sweating is an elusive phenomenon to me. I can go on for miles without sweating but I am already panting and feeling tired. Sometimes, I thought that there was something abnormal about me but as long as I don’t feel any pain or changes in my body, going to the doctor was out of my agenda.

Thank you God for allowing me to walk and to enjoy your creation specially here in the place where you sent me where I can see flowers everywhere especially if it’s their season, and to feel the breeze of air just like your kiss from heaven. Thank you Lord!

Day 43 - Thank You Lord! My Laptop is Back!

Thank You Lord! My Laptop is Back!

I thank God for my laptop. It’s already back from the service center. After over two weeks of going on without laptop, I really miss it. By the way, its name is “Tosh”. I am really thankful for those who change my screen as they say that the problem with my laptop before is dead pixel. Actually, I endure that one straight line for a month because I believe that it will be gone after a month as what happen to one post that I read about this problem but it seems that they have different problem than mine. So after a month of waiting for it to disappear, and sadly it didn’t happen, and after searching for the receipt for about a week because I am such a forgetful person but I found it eventually, thanks God, I have no choice but to return my notebook to where I bought it and let them fix the problem. And I’m really missing my laptop since then but one thing I was certain, I still enjoy myself even without the laptop and I thank God for providing me those entertainment and those silent moments with myself, my friends and housemates. I’m really glad for those moments.

Thank You Lord for bringing my laptop back as good as new without having to reinstall all my applications. They just really change the screen but did not reformat my laptop as I was afraid of. Even my friends told me to back up all my files because they sometimes delete all my installed programs and just make it good as new but I’m glad that that was not the case for me.

Thank you Lord!

Sunday 12 February 2012

Day 42 - Thank you for Movie Time

Thank you Lord for Movie Time

I thank God for the Movie Time on the House. As Saturday is a rest day and my housemates and I don’t want to go out, we decided to have movie time on the house. It’s not too long; it’s just one movie because all of us have to do something for the coming work week so we just decided to watch one movie together. We decided to watch a very new one, “Transformers 2: Rise of the Fallen”. A really new one for all of us as we don’t have much time watching movies so we only watch it now when Transformers 3 is already out. We want to watch Transformers 3 also but we don’t have a copy of this movie so we just decided to eat and sleep early as work was already on its way.

I thank God for these simple moments that I can interact and be with my housemates. God knows how busy we are that we just say hello to each other every morning but we forget the fun we got from just being able to talk with each other.

Thank You Lord!

Day 41 - Thank You for Singles fo Christ Events

Thank You Lord for all the Singles for Christ Events! 

I thank God for Singles for Christ Events

I thank God for all the Events sponsored by Singles for Christ community. Because of all the seminars and talks sponsored by SFC, I am able to hear God’s message. These events also help me strengthen my faith to God, in all His wonderful plans in store for me. Through these events also, I met people who are also testaments of God’s wonderful love for me. In this community, I feel important and I feel really glad to be here. There are many things I learned through this community. And one thing I was really glad is I found a family in the community with my household as its best. I also met other people. In this community, I believe that everybody can accept me as I am. Though I know that there was no perfect group no matter how hard I believe it, I still believe that the SFC community is worth believing in with all its flows. What matters most is that I am happy to be part of this community and I am happy to serve God. I always believe that it is one way of serving God and no matter what other people say, all of it comes down with my personal relationship to our Creator.

Thank you Lord!

Saturday 11 February 2012

Day 40 - Thank you for the Successful Event

Thank you Lord for the Covenant Orientation Event!

I thank God for the successful Covenant Orientation last week. I am part of the service team and I really feel the pressure it takes especially to the Team Leaders of the event. I really feel their stress and their hope for the event to be successful as I am feeling them myself. I am not sure if what I feel is what they feel but I am sure what I am feeling.

As I am a great worrier, I thought that there were few people who will attend because the event takes place when all the participants have work. So when I came at the venue on the proper time though I am a little late for the specified time that the team will come, I feel sad that there was just small number of people. But as time goes on, more and more participants came and I really feel glad. And I felt a little ashamed as I know that in those times that I worried, I lost my faith to God. And I feel really sorry for myself because I know that God will never fail us and yet, I worried unnecessarily. But I’m glad that God made that event successful. And I believe that everybody were happy on the outcome of the event. I really honored those who attend and make extra effort to be there because I know that for them, it is better to stay home and rest after a weeks’ work but still they chose to come and be part of the Covenant Orientation and help them understand the importance and the value and responsibilities we have for being a part of the Singles for Christ community.

Thank You Lord!

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Day 39 - Thank You for the feeling of Loneliness

Thank You Lord for the feeling of Loneliness!

I thank God for making me feel lonely today. I don’t know what are the reasons behind this. It’s just that when I woke up this morning, I really feel sad and my body feels heavy even when I was not sick. It’s just that I go on and do what I usually do but the feeling of sadness was still there and I can’t seem to shake it off. I can pretend to other people that I was okay. I still talk with my bus mates and share some stories but when I get here at the office, there’s an urge for me to cry. I really feel so alone. I really feel that no one can see me. That the world will not even notice it when I’m gone. These are the feelings that going on me through this day. So I make myself listen to Christian songs to lift up my spirit. Somehow, it helps me. That’s one thing I love about listening to Christian music, they really makes me feel loved and special.  My feeling of loneliness was also eased by my team mates in the service team for the Covenant Orientation. With their emails, I feel that I can do something, somehow and I really thank God for giving them to me in this point of my life. This feeling also helps me decide to be the best that I can be and to do everything in my power to make me feel that I matter, somehow. Even not to the world but to somebody’s world and to find my place under the sun. That wonderful place where God want me to go. And I thank God because I know that He is using all my senses and experience and problems and feelings to help me became prepared for that wonderful future He planned for me.  And this feeling of loneliness and sadness are always welcome to my life even sometimes, I don’t know what to do with them. I just told to myself that God has a wonderful plan for me and I really thank God for that.

Thank you Lord!

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Day 38 - Thank you for the Washing Machine

Thank you Lord for the Washing Machine!

I thank God for allowing us to invent washing machine. In our busy world today, washing machine brings comfort to every one of us. I remember when I was still a child; we used to wash our clothes by hand. I still hand wash some of my clothes, especially the delicate ones but it was not like before where I hand wash even bed sheets and towels. I enjoy those moments with my parents but today, when I became part of the workforce, washing my clothes using hands become tiresome. I’m not really sure how I get tired working when I am just sitting and staring at the computer but I really feel tired when I reached home so using washing machine especially an automatic one feels great.

I only wash my clothes once a week and I make a point of putting them only on two sets. I was really careful separating light colored dress and dark color ones.  The only problem in this is the clothes became faded easily and sometimes the color change. But all in all it was a good thing because I only put my clothes in the machine, put detergent and fabric softener and after an hour, I can already hang them to dry. I just get them the next day for folding and ironing. Awesome!

Thank you God!

Day 37 - Thank you for the Fireworks

Thank you Lord for the Fireworks!

I thank God for allowing me to enjoy fireworks display. I really love fireworks with all their colours and shapes and sounds, with all the beauty they shed on the night sky no matter how brief or long they are. I really love fireworks even when I was still a child. That’s one thing I missed at home. But there was still fireworks display here in Dubai especially when there was an occasion like the opening of Burj Khalifa. But last Sunday, the fireworks display was for the end of Dubai Shopping Festival.

Dubai Shopping Festival takes place every winter with its array of discounts, competitions, prizes, fireworks and entertainment. Dubai Shopping Festival offers amazing shopping discounts, attracting holiday makers from around the globe keen on grabbing a bargain. It is one season here in Dubai that I am really excited. Not only with all the bargains and discounts but mainly because of the fireworks. And since it was the last day of DSF last Sunday, me and my housemate set to watch it. We went to Baniyas, on the water taxi station and wait for the fireworks display. It was a cold night and we were walking on a windy environment. But all our shivering was worth it when we see the fireworks display. The fireworks literally came before our eyes and over our head. My neck hurts trying to see them all. And fireworks really bring smile and amazement to me. I am really amazed with all its colours and shapes wondering how the makers of the fireworks make them like that. I really love it. And I was contented even I only watched them no longer than 4 minutes and watched them once a year. For me, that’s enough.

Thank you God for allowing me to enjoy the fireworks with all their colours and shapes. And thank you for allowing me to watch it with other people whom I know, also loved your wonderful creation.

Thank you God!

Monday 6 February 2012

Day 36 - Thank you for the Gift of Service

Thank you Lord for the Gift of Service!

I thank God for calling me to serve in the Singles for Christ community by allowing me to be chosen as part of the Service team for the Covenant Orientation. I was part of the food committee and I am glad because as you know, I really love food and eating. And I also don’t want the participants(my brothers and sisters in Christ) to be hungry so I am doing my best to find a good food in low amount as the community is the one who is giving the budget.

I am very happy and honored to be chosen to be part of the service team. I know to myself that I am not that active in attending all the events that was organized by the community but I really want others to experience what I have upon being a member of the community. Maybe, the changes are not that visible to others but I am the one who can feel all the changes. I feel the changes in my heart, in my character, in how my mind works. Changes that I can’t do by myself but with the help of God as these are the changes that I want but I wasn’t able to do when I was not in the community. I can feel the little changes in me. Sometimes, I get disappointed with myself but I learn to deal with it. I also learn how to be patient enough to others and the value of being good and kind to others even if they are not. I learn the value of life, the goodness in it, the grace and love of God and how beautiful life is and the fact that I was not alone, ever. There are still many things that I learn through the community with the support of my household that I also want others to discover by themselves. That’s why I’m really honored to have this chance to serve my brothers and sisters in SFC community. And I pray that what we prepare somehow help brings other closer to God.

Thank You Lord for the chance to serve! I am so excited of the task ahead and how you will reveal yourself to me and to my brothers and sisters in the community. I know that you want me to learn something in this responsibility and I am so eager to know it. I will keep my eyes open for all your wonderful works that you will reveal in my eyes!

Thank You Lord!

Day 35 - Thank you for parks

Thank you Lord for parks!

I thank God for allowing us to go to park. As all of us have no work as it was declared holiday for the Prophet’s Birthday, my housemate and I decided to take a break and enjoy ourselves by going to park. That’s one thing I love in Dubai, there are so many parks where there’s low entrance fee and we can enjoy the trees and the sceneries to our hearts content.

What we do is we wake up early in the morning, which we don’t usually do if there’s no work. Then we prepare breakfast: fried rice, hotdog and egg, and bring them all in the park. We also bring some charcoal for our barbecue and heads up to the park at past 8 am. It’s still very cold on this weather so I make myself comfortable with the shoes and jacket. It’s so nice in the park as it is not crowded and because we go early, it seems like the park is our garden. We just ate our breakfast and launched on park strolling. We leave our food on one area and go on pictorial as all of us brought cameras. We take pictures with the grass, with the flowers, with the birds, with the trees. It’s nice breathing on cold fresh air and jog some more when it was too cold as the wind is also blowing. After we are all satisfied, we got back to our picnic area and lie down, eat breads and chips and wait for launch while also grilling some of our food. After that, we all ate, then take some rest, some are sleeping but we take the chance to stroll on the other side of the park. We decide to go home at around 7 pm as it still gets colder.  

I thank God for allowing me to enjoy simple things in this busy side of the world. I am very glad for the break and bonding moments that we experience with each other’s company and I thank God for allowing us to enjoy everything in their simplest state. And as my laptop is still on the service center, I will just upload all our pictures when I get it back.

Thank You Lord!

Sunday 5 February 2012

Day 34 - Thank you for the Cassava Cake

Thank you Lord for the Cassava Cake!

I thank God for allowing us to make cassava cake last Thursday night. It is with great effort that we make this cake with my housemates. I thank God for sending a friend who knows how to do this delicious food as I am really a fun of cassava cake. I can eat one big pan of this is one go.

First, we grate the cassava. As I want more of this cake for my housemates also, we make cassava cake in two sets. I was the one who grate the cassava and I am very afraid that I will get hurt in the process because the grater is too sharp for me that one single mistake will cause me to have a wound. But all thanks to God, what I’m afraid of never happens. After grating all the cassava, we squeeze them in a clean white cloth to remove the juice so that the cake will be smoother and also for the cake to be not bitter. Then we put sugar coconut milk, cheese, egg, butter and evaporated milk and mix them all. We also have the oven ready on 350 degrees. Then we put the batter on the oven and wait for 1 hour for it to cook. While waiting, we make the syrup for the top. We put flour, sugar, evaporated milk, coconut, and cheese and make them a little thick. We put it at the top after we take the mixture from the oven and put some egg white. According to our chef, we have to broil it but because our oven cannot perform this task, we leave it like that. And cassava cake is done!

It was awesome. To learn to cook something I really like no matter how hard it is. I really learn that I can do anything; no matter how hard it is, as long as I love its corresponding result. I learn that I should not avoid to take the process and pain in making but rather to be excited to the fruit of my labor.

Thank you Lord God!

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Day 33 - Thank you for Thursdays

Thank you Lord for Thursdays!

I thank God for Thursdays because Thursdays are the days were I am truly excited. Know why? Because Thursday is the last day of work in a week. After Thursday, there comes Friday and Saturday as rest days. I’m happy for being so excited for the rest days. Thursdays are the days were I plan how my weekends will be. And it’s really a nice feeling to plan especially when we want to do something.

Actually, I’m really excited this weekend because we are planning to make cassava cake, which is one of my favorite native delicacy and we are making it at home. So I’m planning to enjoy doing it as much as I enjoy eating it. I’m also excited for this coming weekend because we are planning to go the peryahan near our place because it was Dubai Shopping Festival is almost over and we didn’t have a chance to go there before even if it was only a 5-minute walk from our place. Also this weekend, we are planning to go the park as winter season is almost over and all of us on the house had no work as it was declared holiday for The Prophet’s birthday of February 4. So, this weekend is a really exciting week for me and I am very happy and excited about it. And this Thursday give me extra time to enjoy my excitement. It’s like I can’t wait it any longer as it comes nearer. And I thank God for this joyous feeling and for allowing me to have this plan with my housemates.

Thank you God!

Day 32 - Thank you for the Heart Month

Thank you Lord for the Heart Month!

I thank God for the Hearth Month, February! February is where most people say that “Love is in the Air” as it was the days were Valentine’s Day was celebrated. For me, February is just like another month. There’s always something out there for me to learn and appreciate in life but just for the mood of it, I’m excited for my friends who have boyfriend and girlfriend. I know that this month is the time were time and affection for each other is overflowing. It is the time were both of them always make extra effort to show each other their appreciation for each other’s presence. Well, as I don’t have a boyfriend, I just contend myself on watching my friends and be happy with their happiness.

I have one special wish for this month. Because it is a heart month, I wish for my friends, who don’t have partners in life yet; to find their one true love this month, God’s gift, as we call it in Singles for Christ. I really wish for my housemates and for my mommy and sisses in Singles for Christ to find the right one for them specially those who are of age now, those who are ready to build their own family, for them to find that right one for them; though that one is not perfect but I always believe that in each other’s eyes, they were perfect. I really wish for them to have what they always wishing for. As for me, I can still wait. I was just happy knowing that they will be happy and I think I am more excited than most of them to find that right one for them. I’m always excited for them to have that family that they long for. Sometimes, I ask myself if I’m also ready for that kind of commitment, but, it just scares me. Maybe I was just too hurt before to hope for myself but I was happy to make it for my friends. Sometimes, I got cynical in this kind of thing, thinking that happy ending is not for me, just for other people, but I always believe that God has great plans for me. I believe also that at the right time, my right one will come along and take away all the doubts that I have. After all, I always believe in fairy tales and happy endings! And I believe in this wonderful season of love, I will be happy. Maybe not for myself, but I will be happy that others found their happiness!

Thank you God!

Tuesday 31 January 2012

Day 31 - Thank You for the first month

Thank you Lord God for allowing me to be here for a full month!

I thank God for this month of January. I always believed that it is by God’s grace that I am still here. I always believed that He has great plans for me, a plan that is continuously at work even when I am sleeping. A plan for me to succeed, to be happy, to help.. A wonderful plan for me to make a difference in this world in my own simple ways.. And this whole month of January testifies to that. With all the lessons that I learn, I know God has a great plan for me. Actually, the fact that I am here is a testament of how God loves me and how He plans everything for me.

This one month of January, I experience love, happiness, friendship, hardship as well. I also learn how to stop myself from buying things I don’t need. I learn to let go of my laptop and go on without it but still enjoy life. Really, internet is not everything! I learn the value of friendship, family and communication in life. I learn to appreciate simple things like weather. I have the chance to do my favorite hobby, reading! I learn many things and I know that there are still lot of things for me out there, waiting for me to discover them. And I thank God for making my life interesting.

Thank you Lord!

Monday 30 January 2012

Day 30 - Thank you for the gift of Sleep

Thank you God for the gift of Sleep!

I thank God for allowing me to have a sleeping time. A good nights’ rest allows me to have a good morning and a beautiful day. It also allows my body to get its needed rest and catch up with my health. It helps me do my work easily and happily and no matter what others may do, that was supposed to irritate me on my bad days, becomes bearable at all.

I remember a time when sleep doesn’t come to me. It makes me irritated and easily gets tired even when I was only sitting. I can’t also focus to my work and my mind is just wondering on my bed and how good it is to stay and sleep all day. On these days, I just want the day to be done and over so I can go home and sleep. But while I was like this at work, when I get home, sleeping becomes a problem because it seems like sleep jumps out of my window that I’m not able to sleep and all and I end up sleeping late again and again.

Actually, I have particular surroundings where I want to sleep. I don’t know how others manage to sleep on bright and noisy surroundings because as for me, I want to sleep on a dark and silent one. It makes me relax and able to travel on dreamland. I am very sensitive on any lights that when it was turned on I automatically wake up and become irritated just like on making even a small noise. I wish I have my own room where everything is manageable but since I have 5 housemates, I can’t force them to be like me so until now, after over five years of having roommates, my sleeping habit doesn’t change at all; but I’m beginning to adapt. I put 3 layers of curtain to my bed to block the lights and put blindfold so the light won’t bother me. For the noise, that’s the one I can’t stop. I just ask them not to be too noisy when someone is sleeping. But my sleeping problem is not yet over. I still need a minimum hour of lying in my bed before I actually got to sleep. I admire those people who can instantly sleep even when they were sitting or even standing. But despite all these, sleeping is still my favorite hobby! And I thank God that no matter how hard it is for me to get sleep and find that rest, I’m still happy that I have a bed and I can sleep whenever I want or just to feel my bed.

Thank you Lord!

Day 29 -Thank You for teaching me to save money

Thank You Lord for teaching me to save money.

Thank you Lord God for allowing me to learn how make ends meet with what I have and sometimes, save, if there is an opportunity.

Right now, I’m on the struggling period of saving. No matter how much I earn, it seems like I just barely go with it without buying anything special. I always try to allot money for something and end up not buying it but no money at all. But no matter what, I’m glad that I didn’t need to borrow money just to get by. I’m very proud to say that I can make both ends meet without borrowing some money to others. I’m always proud of my budgeting skills though most of the times; I really stop myself on buying unnecessary things. As I believed, I am not an impulsive buyer. So when I want something, I will spend months thinking about it and saving money just to buy it. I’m not a fun of credit cards also so I think my life is quite simple.

But what my goal right now is really to save enough for my future and for my family. I really want to have savings, stocks, properties, and business to help not only my family but also other people. I’m still on the planning process on how I would attain this but I believe God already laid the foundation to me when He allowed me to learn how to save, so other necessary things I need to learn will be easy because I know God already laid their foundation in me. I just need to rediscover and used to.

Thank you Lord God!

Sunday 29 January 2012

Day 28 -Thank You for taking my Laptop away

Thank You Lord for taking my Laptop away!

As my laptop is not with me, I am posting this blog late. I try to use one of my housemate’s laptop to post it but to no success so I’m posting it using our office computer, so it will just be short.

Thank you Lord for taking my laptop away as I have time to do other things. I realized that I enjoy watching television on our 32” TV. I realized that I really missed some unusual TV programs like watching cartoons e.g. “Dora the Explorer” because when my laptop is with me, I just watch teleserye then play. But right now, because I don’t have the laptop, I enjoy watching TV with my housemates and do some naughty things to them, just for fun. And reading becomes my past time once again.

Really, God takes something away to make me enjoy other things. Thank You Lord!

Friday 27 January 2012

Day 27 - Thank You for my Housemate's Laptop

Thank you Lord for my Housemate's Laptop!

This is a quick one as I just borrowed my housemate's laptop. According to the service center, I will get my laptop after 2 or 3 weeks. So it will be a long time before I will be able to post my blog regularly but it's okay. I will post my blog using my housemate's laptop whenever it's free. I'm so blessed to have a housemate that was willing to share her laptop to me and allows me to check my email, my facebook and to have time to write this short blog. Actually, whenever I'm lost and out of resources there are always people sent by God that helps me like this housemate of mine. And I really thank God for surrounding me with good people. By this good people, I almost felt good to myself though I know that I'm still on the healing process. I thank God for sending me people who helps me to  my healing process through their simple actions.

Thank you Lord!

Thursday 26 January 2012

Day 26 - Thank You for Citiseconline

Thank You Lord for Citiseconline!

I thank God for allowing a simple person like me a chance to have an investment through citiseconline. Although I still have the form for citiseconline application, I am already hopeful that there was a chance for me to hope for the future. Know what, all me earnings are going on the drain. I don’t have any savings at all though I’m not that worried because for me, as long as I am able to support my parents, we are still okay. But now, I’m thinking about the future because no matter how much I earned, I still have no savings! Why? When I can’t buy anything for myself except for my laptop, which right now is on the repair center. Other than that, no more. But I have this dream to have a cruise with my family or to go to Boracay with them and relax with the beach. I want them to experience how good life is. That their hardships regarding money are all over. But how can I do that when I am still struggling on that area of my life also.

So now, I’m willing to take the chance with investments through buying stocks with the help of citiseconline. I knew about this great opportunity through reading of Mr. Bo Sanchez’s blog. I know that it was a great opportunity for me to change my life. I don’t want to be a burden to my children when I got old so I want to invest now and hopefully, enjoy it with my parents in the future. I’m also planning to be a member of The Truly Rich Club by Bo Sanchez because I am still new in the investment world and I heard an awesome feedback about the Truly Rich Club that Mr. Bo Sanchez will really give me a great insight about investing. So I pray that I will be able to accomplish these things for this year.

Thank you Lord for giving me a choice to change my financial condition through citiseconline and through Mr. Bo Sanchez!

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Day 25 - Thank You for the Laptop

Thank You Lord for my Laptop!

I thank God for allowing me to have a laptop. God knows what I went through in order to buy a laptop. I really want to have one as I am a sucker for any online research. I really want to have an option to get online whenever I want because I know how hard it is if one doesn’t have a way to go online and the only possible means is to borrow one on other person but that person is also busy checking something online. It’s really hard for me. And also I have a great plan in buying this laptop. I want to start earning online by becoming a Virtual Assistant. At the moment, I am still struggling to finish my tutorials. You can check my tutorials at: I was still on the process of adding my 10 tutorials and at the moment I only able to publish my first tutorial. I hope to do my other tutorials in the near future. It become a struggle to me as there are so many things to do online like watching movie and teleserye that they take too much of my time. I really want to finish this tutorial and be confident to apply for a gig. I pray to God that He will give me the courage and the discipline to finish this task and accomplish my goal of earning online. After all, this was my first reason for buying a laptop.

But, as of the moment, this laptop was not on its peak. A vertical line appears on the screen. It’s just a thin line from top to bottom but the point is, my laptop is new! It wasn’t supposed to have this line! So what I am about to do is return this laptop from where I bought it and let them fix this issue. After all, it’s still on their one year warranty period. So I will return this laptop tomorrow and I don’t have a laptop for the next few days. I don’t know when I should get this laptop back, maybe one week or more, so posting my blog is rather difficult but I will try to borrow my housemate’s laptop so I can still post on this blog and continue my 365 Days – 365 Things to be Thankful for to God.

Thank You Lord!

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Day 24 - Thank You for my Eyeglasses

Thank You Lord for my Eyeglasses!

I thank God for my eye glasses. As I am a nearsighted person, starting from elementary days, eyeglass is my constant companion. I can’t imagine my life without spectacles. I don’t think I can be able to graduate and have work if spectacles were not yet discovered. I imagine my world to be dark, blurred and unclear. As I can only see when something was literally in front of me, I can’t imagine how my life will go on.

As an eyeglass corrects my vision, my world is not so dark. Sometimes, I don’t feel comfortable wearing specs but it’s better than being almost practically blind. And I thank God for allowing mankind to develop this great tool. It really helps people like me. I know there are other ways to make me see clearly like wearing contact lens but it sometimes cause me discomfort and cause some eye irritation that’s why I minimize using this. I know I can go to an eye specialist and have the eye laser surgery to correct my vision but I still don’t have the means to do that operation so really specs are my constant companion.

Thank You Lord!

Monday 23 January 2012

Day 23 - Thank You for the Kutless

Thank You Lord for the Kutless!

I thank God for the Christian Rock Bond Kutless. Kutless is a Christian nrock band fromPortland, Oregon formed in 1999. I always love to hear Christian songs. As I am part of the Singles for Christ organization, listening to Christian music is my hobby. I like the song s sung by Hillsong, Don Moen, Bukas Palad group and other songs as long as they are worship songs. I love to hear them and know the lyrics, the hymn, and the melody. It’s like talking to God. Sometimes when I listen to this kind of music, my unusual ideas pop up. Most often than not, Christian music makes me appreciate life more and remember the great sacrifice that Jesus gave for us and I really love Him for that. I love Jesus because who am I to not love Him when He loves me first without condition and without limitation.

As of now, my most loved Christian music was sung by Kutless. I only knew about this band recently. I only listen to Christian worship music. I always thought that I wouldn’t like a rock band even if they sung Christian songs but all of this changed when I hear the Kutless music.

So hear is one of my favorite song from Kutless, “What Faith can Do”. Enjoy!

Thank you God for allowing me to have another way of worshiping you. I know that when I sing this song, you didn’t hear how my voice sounds but you only hear what my hearts says,

Thank You Lord!

Sunday 22 January 2012

Day 22 – Thank you for another Kung Hei Fat Choi

Thank You Lord for Kung Hei Fat Choi!

I thank God for another year, another Chinese New Year. According to Chinese Astrology, this is a year of Water Dragon. Year of Water Dragon brings many possibilities for good fortune. For the Chinese, dragons are the divine mythical creatures that bring with them intense power, ultimate abundance, and good fortune.

Although I don’t believe in astrology, but my housemates did. So we cook some pancit canton, shrimp, pork and biko since we don’t have any tikoy here. We also bought some fruits for this occasion. We ate together happily and we hope that this year will bring more blessings and we hope that we all stay together this year.

And I thank God for allowing us this celebration. Thank You Lord!

Saturday 21 January 2012

Day 21 – Thank you for the internet entertainment

Thank You Lord for the internet connection!

I thank God for the internet entertainment. As I am alone again today and nobody’s home, I decided to watch a series online. As I am very interested on vampires, I decided to watch Buffy, the vampire slayer. It is about Buffy, a 16-year old girl who was chosen to hunt vampires, demons, and the forces of darkness. Buffy fights the challenges of High School and saves the world...a lot.  It’s some kind of superhero thing and I really like the action. Take note, I’m still in season 1 and as I take it, they have until season 8. I don’t know if I am able to spend that much time watching this series but as I am still enjoying it, then I will continue watching it. After all, I really am fun of some supernatural stuff though I know that they are not true. I guess I’m just entertaining myself for a while and think of something useful for me out here. Guess I will think about them some other time. For the moment, I just want to be free from any worries and just enjoy myself and I thank God for allowing me this luxury. Sometimes, I feel that it was a sin to enjoy so much but I know God will understand. And I know God wants me to enjoy!

Thank you Lord God!

Friday 20 January 2012

Day 20 - Thank you for Quiet Time with Myself

Thank you Lord for Quiet Time with Myself!

I thank God for this rest day as I used it to pamper myself. What I do today?? Hmm... I woke up late and have breakfast. Then I do some house cleaning. And do my movie thing. I watch The Smurfs movie today. It’s nice. I like what Papa said that with family, you can do anything if they needed you. I really relate to that. It makes me miss my family. So I decide to call home and ask their condition. I’m happy that they are fine and happy back home.

Then, as all my housemates gone out, I just stay here at home and do my thing. I do some back-up for my files here in my laptop as I soon have to bring my laptop to the repair shop as a vertical line appears on the screen so I need to make them fix it. I don’t know how long it takes before I get my laptop again but its ok. I know my laptop needs some fixing.

I really like being alone as I can do what I want to do. I miss being alone and have a quiet environment as I was used back home on being alone. I thank God that even once in a blue moon, I get to do what I want and have some peace and silence for myself.

Thank You God!

Thursday 19 January 2012

Day 19 - Thank You for the Bonding Moments

Thank You Lord God for the Bonding Moments!

Yes, I’m late posting this blog of mine as I have bonding moments with my friends. As tomorrow is a rest day, we make this night a bonding time for us.

 I only have bonding moment tonight with one of my friends. She wants to buy some gift and I also want to check something. So we go to Deira City Center to check some items. We just walk around and roam around as it was Dubai Shopping Festival this month up to February 5 so we check the stalls that have a sale sign and check their prices. If it’s on our budget and we like it, then we bought it. If we like it but not on budget then we don’t buy it. It’s nice to take off some stress after one week of working. I’m sure we will have more bonding moments will our friends in the future.

One of my goals is to have this kind of bonding moments with my family. They are one of the reasons why I want to be here so I want to have a connection with them even in short moments. I hope to make it happen when I came home this year and I know God will make a way for me and my family to have those precious moments.

Thank You Lord!

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Day 18 - Thank You for allowing me to learn How to Cook

Thank You Lord God for allowing me to learn How to Cook.

I thank God for this skill because as I grow old, I didn’t know how to cook anything. Don’t get me wrong. I know how to cook rice and anything fried but those dishes that seems so complicated, like adobo, is I don’t know. Imagine, I don’t know how to cook my favorite adobo! And so, all the food that I ate after 24 years was either fried, which I prepared sometimes; or food prepared by my father and mother, sometimes my brother; or food that I just bought in the carinderia or in any fast food that I fancy. That’s how my life in the Philippines goes on. I am like that on my elementary days as I say to myself that I am still too young to cook so I just want to play and eat when there’s food prepared by my parents. I am like that when I am in high school as I don’t bring lunch pack at school. My parents gave me money to buy food in the school cafeteria. I am also like that when I am in college as I was staying in the dormitory as cooking is not allowed so I only buy my food in the carinderia beside our dorm. And I am like that as I was working because I stayed in a boarding house that had too many people that going to the kitchen to cook irritates me as I feel tired from work and I feel that I am already old to learn how to cook so I just ate before going home and I went home only to sleep. That’s the story how I don’t learn to cook by myself.

But everything changed when I decided to go here in Dubai. I don’t expect that my life will take a drastic turn when I decided to come here. I don’t know how to cook when I got here but later on, I realize that I can’t eat if I will not cook. As my housemates here have their schedule in cooking for the whole house so I need to learn by myself. But learning is not easy. On the earlier part, I always pray that there was someone here when I cook so they can guide me while cooking. I also don’t know how to mix all the condiments, whether I put enough salt, soy sauce, vinegar, pepper or anything at all. I don’t know if the taste is already what it was supposed to be and what I should add to make them taste like that. But after a year or two, I thank God that I learn. I’m still not a good cook but at least, I can already eat the food that I prepared. And you know what I learn about cooking? Well, everything starts with the oil, and then sauté garlic and onion then add the meat and add anything that you think was supposed to be the ingredients then put some salt or fish sauce then pepper then mix. And you will have your menu. Just like that. I learn that no matter what process I cook, it will come as it was supposed to. Maybe that’s why I’m still not a good cook but so what, as long as I can ate what I cook and others can eat also what I prepared, I’m happy that way. And I thank God for allowing me to learn this skill. I know God doesn’t want me to get hungry and others too, so He allowed me to come here and learn.

Thank You Lord!

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Day 17 - Thank you for the Food

Thank You Lord God for the Food we eat!

I thank you Lord God for providing us food in our table. I always love to eat and I ate anything edible except bitter melon (ampalaya) and lady’s fingers (okra). I don’t know why I didn’t learn to eat these foods though I know that they are good for my health. But any other food, I love to see on my plate. I love anything to do with the food. Sometimes I don’t want to cook but since I’m not with my family, I learn to cook for myself and also for my housemates. But I don’t have any specialty and I’m not very particular with the taste of the food. As long as they are edible, can be chewed and do not have poison, you can count me to eat them.

My favorite food is... I really want to eat rice. So whatever the main dish is, it’s for me. My favorite dish is fried chicken, chicken adobo, pork caldereta, pork steak, pakbet, chopsuey, fried fish and any vegetable, meat and fish that was prepared for the day. But as it is me who do the grocery shopping, I can control what food we have. Yippee! But also, the sad part is, I’m always the one who have to cook them as my housemates came late after work and I can’t wait for them to cook as I am already hungry after work.

Eating is one of my hobbies. I eat until I’m full. And nowadays, I feel like taking all the food that I can than to throw them. I always say to myself that it’s not good to waste food because there are so many people around the world that do not have something to eat. So I try to eat any food as long as they are not spoiled.

 I think we all have to be careful with the amount of food we prepare as we should eat them and not waste them. Because there’s a lot of people out there who does not have food to eat even if they are hungry and even if their lives depended on it.

I thank God for providing food on our table and I pray that we will always remind me to always be grateful whatever food is on the table and eat them with gusto. I pray to God that he will always remind me to share my food for those who does not have them and always remember them whenever I eat.

Thank You Lord!

Monday 16 January 2012

Day 16 – Thank you for the Cold Weather

 Thank You Lord God for the Cold Weather!

 I thank you Lord for the cold weather that we have right now. I thank you Lord because, somehow cold weather makes me feel alive. Sometimes it makes me feel lonely and bring a homesick feeling to me but all in all; I really want to thank you because this cold weather makes me see through my feelings. Sometimes, I’m worried that I don’t know how and what to feel anymore except anger and disappointment. But now, at least this weather brings me sadness and this feeling makes me feel alive. I have this problem with the way I feel. It seems that I don’t feel lonely, homesick and any other feeling that I was supposed to feel specially now that I’m alone here in other country but no, I don’t feel anything like that. But it doesn’t make me feel alive also. I only feel that I’m slowly fading away. That I only exist without purpose. That’s what makes me sad. Sometimes, I forgot how wonderful God’s plan in store for me. Sometimes, I always tend to wallow on my feeling of loneliness and forget that God gave me wonderful people around me so I can share myself to them and enjoy my life with them. Cold weather makes me realize that somehow, I should not feel lonely but be able to live my life to the fullest no matter what weather condition I am right now because somehow, this weather will pass and what matter is that I live the way I want to.

Thank You Lord for helping me to realize these things. So happy to experience this cold weather through and through!

Sunday 15 January 2012

Day 15 – Thank you for the salary increase

 Thank you Lord God for giving me a salary increase!

I really thank God for my salary increase. As I’m planning to go back home this December, my finances are in tight situation. I already planned how much I will save each month so I can survive going home on December as it is Christmas. I thank God for He already gave solution to my dilemma. I think, I pray forever for this increase. And even if it’s not the amount that I expected, I thank God because I know He already gave me what I need, not what I want. I know God knows me more than I know myself and I really thank Him because I know that He only allowed me to have this amount because He is training me more in budgeting and in investing, the he is training me in financial management. I know I need to be more intelligent in handling more money than small money because I know too much money sometimes corrupt one self and I thank God for giving me a chance to adjust on my own pace. I know God has a greater plan for me in the future.

And so, now that He already grant me this wish, I know there’s more of my wish out there that are on the process of coming to me.  Thank you God for granting all my wishes especially solving my financial problem. Thank you Lord God.  I know that you want me to go home this Christmas to be with my family and friends.

Thank You Lord God!

Saturday 14 January 2012

Day 14 – Thank you for the Gift of Hearing

Thank you Lord God for the gift of Hearing!

I thank God for giving us the sense of hearing. Through hearing, we can understand what other people are saying. Story-telling is easier. Laughter becomes alive. Music gives melody. Hearing birds chirping is a gift from God. Through hearing, appreciating life and sounds and melodies around us sound heavenly. Through hearing, learning us also becomes easier. We can just listen to our teachers and friends, listen to their stories and we can learn the lessons they want to impart.

For me, one of the gifts of hearing is by listening to the music because music adds color to my life. When I seem bored to my work, I just play music and my sleepiness will be gone. Listening also to audio books is one of my past times. So whenever I don’t have time to read a book, I will just listen to their audio book version and it feels as fun as reading with the feelings delivered by the voice in the audio book. Explaining something also becomes easier with the sense of hearing present in both parties. They can talk about the subject and make their question and answer portion. We can also detect other people’s feelings through the sense of hearing. As we can differentiate each voice tone, we can mellow down and say sorry if we hurt somebody.

Truly, there are many gifts God has given to us that come from His gift of hearing. Appreciating, learning, understanding, communicating and many more becomes easier. And God really loves us for giving this wonderful gift of sense to us. I pray that we use this gift for us to better understand one another.

Thank you Lord God!

Friday 13 January 2012

Day 13 - Thank you for the Cellphones

Thank you Lord God for the cell phones!

I really thank God for allowing us to create an easier way of communication specially the cell phones! Cell phone is really important to me, for us who are away from home and choose to earn a living in other country. Using cell phone is one way for us to hear the voice of our loved ones. It’s one way of allowing us to talk to them, tell story to them, make us hear that they were okay and we are okay here. That’s the fastest way for them and for us to hear their story and for us to talk to them and be with them even through phone.

I remember the days that cell phones are not yet made. The most convenient way of communication on that time is through writing a letter. They tell the stories in their letters that reach their loved ones after two or three months. Then, their recipient will write also a letter to the sender which will also reach them after two or three months. Many things happened every day. What more in a month! Imagine if cell phone is not yet on hand. Everything will seem so dull. And the only way of comfort for us who are far away from home will only reach us after three months! So we are so lucky that cell phone is on hand nowadays!

Besides, we can also use our cell phone to communicate with our friends if we plan to make a get-together. Checking on each other’s condition is easier with cell phone on hand.

Thank You Lord God!

Thursday 12 January 2012

Day 12 - Thank You for the Children

Thank You Lord God for all the children, in heart, in body and mind!

First, I thank you Lord God for all the child born on this earth. For me, it’s a sign of hope and love from you. For me, it’s a sign of your blessings to mankind as the children symbolize new life, new hope, and new future for me. A child is also a sign for me that you still have faith on mankind. That you still want us to change and to serve you. Lord God, it’s a sign for me that no matter what, you will continue to bless our life and continues to trust us for those children to have a bright future.

Second, I thank you Lord God for each Child’s laughter. I really admire children because even the cruelest man will smile if they smile to them. Child’s laughter and smile is so giving, so full of trust that it touch a vulnerable part of me, the soft part of me that I can’t do anything else but to smile back. I really want to have that kind of smile. A smile that will bring smile to another person’s face.

Third, I thank you Lord God as the children wakes up the child in me. For so long, I see my life as boring, as unworthy. But whenever I see a child, I want to play with them. Sometimes I want to irritate them but it’s the feeling that they give to me that push me to hug them, to kiss them and to make them talk to me or play with me. Whenever I see a child, they give me inspiration to be good, to be the best that I can be. I know, as a child, I have a great future. A child inspires me to bring all the goodness in me. They inspire me to dream big, to have courage and take chances, to have faith in You, to have faith in others, and to have faith in myself. Really, a child inspires me to be who I am and to be the best that I can be.

And I thank God for I know that the children are the future of this world. That no matter what happens, every child will make a difference in this world and they will continue the legacy that we make today.

Here is the song for this cute little babies and inspiring little children together with the child in each one of us. Truly, every one of us has a little child in us. Sometimes a child in us is scared but when can always imitate their innocence.

Song: We are the World by Michael Jackson

Wednesday 11 January 2012

Day 11 – Thank you for the Feeling of Jealousy

 Thank You Lord for the feeling of jealousy that I have right now.

Lord God, I’m in a jealous mode today. My friend got her salary increase while I’m not! That’s my line of thinking today. I’m jealous that she got her wish but I’m also happy that you grant her wish. It’s just that I’m asking why not me too?

And as I focus on this feeling, I conclude that my friend really deserve that increase. With all the stress she’s going through to that job of hers, a well-deserved raise is a must. And I thank you Lord for granting her wish. But my jealousy is still here in my heart. But I know it’s a healthy kind of jealousy. This feeling gave me inspiration to strive more to my work, to also give my all to my job. As I know to myself that I really get bored with what I’m doing. I need to entertain myself to stay awake while doing my job. For me, it’s a really boring work but I choose it so I need to stand by my decision. I decided to give my all also to my work and to do my work carefully and as perfect as it can be. I know Lord God that you know everything and I believe that you will also see my effort and grant my wish of salary increase. I know Lord God that you already grant me of my wish to have another source of income. It’s just up to me to make it work.

Thank you Lord God for this feeling of jealousy. I believe that you allowed me to have this feeling for me to do something about it. For me to improve myself, my decision, my life and to strengthen my faith to you. I know Lord God that you also love me and you gave me this life as a testament of your great love for me.

Thank You Lord!

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Day 10 - Thank you for the Books

Thank You Lord God for all the Books that you allowed to be written.

As I am a reader of anything that I interest me, I thank God for giving those author the talent to write and to share their ideas.  I love books definitely. And now, on today’s’ genre, I really love the information age as all I want to know is on my fingertips. I just have to use my favorite search engine and all the books related to the topic I want was there. And most probably than not, they have online version that I can access easily so I only need to print them or read them online. It’s cheaper for me. And it occupies no space on my little area. I can also save them over my phone and read them at my leisure. I can save them on my external as a backup.
I really love books about magic, vampires, wolf, gods, anything supernatural. They say that I seem to have a child’s mind as I really love Harry Potter books. I have all the books on my room and have them also on my laptop. I want to peek at them every now and then. I also watch all its movies and I love to compare the books and the movies.  I love the friendship between Harry, Ron, and Hermione. And I love that it ends with good and love as a winner. Another book that I really love is the Twilight series. I love the connection of the character, Bella, Edward, Jacob and all the people around them. I love supernatural. I read other vampire books like House of Night, Morganville Vampires, Vampire Diaries and others to name  a few. One book that I still read right now is The Gods of Olympus by Rick Riordan. I’m already done with his Percy Jackson series. I’m still waiting for the next book of The Gods of Olympus. I really love reading about Greek and Roman Gods. There are many books I want to read specially those that are made into movies. Some of them I already read and some, I just download their audio file when it’s available for free.

I thank God for allowing me to read those books.  Books bring me to a different world. A world where anything is possible. A world where every decision has their repercussions and every responsibility are shouldered nicely by every individual. Through books, I gain knowledge and understanding of other people and their situation.

Thank you God!

Monday 9 January 2012

Day 9 - Thank you for the Clothes

Thank you Lord God for providing us clothes to warm our back!

We usually choose clothes according to their style, their color, their sizes and if they were “IN” on today’s genre. But for me, I mainly choose clothes to warm myself and to feel comfortable. I also choose according to style but I usually choose clothes which make me feel at ease and within myself. Sometimes I chose based on what my friends told me but most often than not, I chose to shop by myself so I can choose based on what I want and not based on others opinion.

And I thank God for providing different articles of clothing not only for me but also for my family and friends. Thank you Lord for allowing mankind to design and manufacture different articles of clothing to protect us from harsh weather that are coming to us. Thank you Lord because I know that our clothes are one of your greatest blessings for us to protect us from any physical discomfort. I know Lord God that the clothes we wear are one of your ways of comforting us.

Thank you Lord.